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单词 tub
释义 tub[tʌb]n. 桶, 浴盆vt. 装入桶, 洗澡vi. 洗盆浴, 被放在桶里洗相关词组:in the tubhave a cold tubtake one's tub tub  tub  AHD:  [t¾b] D.J.  [tJb]K.K.  [tJb]n.(名词)1. An open, flat-bottomed vessel, usually round and typically wider than it is deep, used for washing, packing, or storing.盆:一种宽度大于深度的圆形开口平底容器,用于洗、装或存储物品2. The amount that such a vessel can hold.一盆的分量3. The contents of such a vessel.一盆东西4. A bathtub.澡盆5. Informal A bath taken in a bathtub.【非正式用语】 盆浴6. Informal A wide, clumsy, slow-moving boat.【非正式用语】 行驶缓慢的船:宽大、笨拙、速度缓慢的船只7. A bucket used for conveying ore or coal up a mine shaft.桶框:把生铁或煤运上矿井的框8. A coal car used in a mine.矿车:矿上的运煤车v.(动词)  tubbed,,tubs及物动词)1. To pack or store in a tub.把…放在盆里:在盆中装或存储2. To wash or bathe in a tub.在盆中洗或洗澡v.intr.(不及物动词)To take a bath.洗澡语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Middle Dutch 源自 中古荷兰语 3. or Middle Low German 或 中古低地德语 继承用法:tub“bable  adj.(形容词)tub“ber  n.(名词)




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