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单词 tubercle
释义 tubercle['tju:bəkl]n. 小瘤, 结节【医】 结节; 结核 tubercle  tu.ber.cle  AHD:  [t›“b…r-k…l, ty›“-] D.J.  [6tu8b*k*l, 6tju8-]K.K.  [6tub*k*l, 6tju-]n.(名词)1. Pathology A nodule or swelling, especially a mass of lymphocytes and epithelioid cells forming the characteristic lesion of tuberculosis.【病理学】 结核节:结节或肿瘤,尤指形成典型肿结核损害的堆淋巴球和上皮细胞2. A small, rounded prominence or process, such as a wartlike excrescence on the roots of some leguminous plants or a knoblike process in the skin or on a bone.根瘤:一种球状的小突出物或隆起物,如某些豆科植物根上的肉赘状瘤或皮肤或骨头上的圆丘状的隆起物语源:Latin t&9{¿berculum} [diminutive of] t&9{¿}ber [lump] * see  tuber 拉丁语 t&9{¿berculum}  [] t&9{¿}ber的小后缀 [块;堆] *参见 tuber




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