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单词 tule
释义 tule  tu.le  AHD:  [t›“l¶] D.J.  [6tu8li8]K.K.  [6tuli]n.(名词)1. Any of several bulrushes of the genusScirpus,  growing in marshy lowlands of the southwest United States. 软茎蔗草:生长于美国西南部沼泽低地的任一种莞草 属灯芯草 2. tu.les [t›“l¶z] Northern California Marshy or swampy land.Also called  Regional tule land tu.les [t›“l¶z] 【加州北部】 沼泽地或湿地也作  【区域的】 tule land语源:1. American Spanish 美国西班牙语 2. from Nahuatl tollin [reed] 源自 那瓦特语 tollin [杂草] 注释:Low, swampy land istules  or tule land  in the parlance of northern California. When the Spanish colonized Mexico and Central America,they borrowed from the native inhabitants the Nahuatl wordtollin,  “bulrush.” The English-speaking settlers of the West in turn borrowed the Spanish wordtule  to refer to certain varieties of bulrushes native to California.Eventually the meaning of the word was extended to the marshy land where the bulrushes grew.北加利福尼亚的说法中,潮湿洼地叫做tules 或 tule land 。 当西班牙人殖民于墨西哥和中美洲时,他们从土著居民那里借来了那瓦特语tollin (“灯心草”)。 接着西方讲英语的定居者又借用了西班牙语tule , 用来表示原产于加利福尼亚的各种灯芯草。最后该词的意义又扩展到这种灯芯草所生长的沼泽地




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