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单词 tunicate
释义 tunicate['tju:nikeit]a. 有膜皮的, 有被囊的【医】 被囊动物 tunicate  AHD:  [t›“n¹-k¹t, -k³t”, ty›“-] D.J.  [6tu8n!k!t, -7ke!t, 6tju8-]K.K.  [6tun!k!t, -7ket, 6tju-]n.(名词)Any of various chordate marine animals of the subphylum Tunicata or Urochordata having a cylindrical or globular body enclosed in a tough outer covering and including the sea squirts and salps.被囊动物:属于尾索亚门或囊亚门的各种脊索类海生动物中的一种,身体呈圆形或球形,包在坚硬的壳中,这动物包括海鞘和萨尔帕属的背囊动物adj.(形容词)1. Of or relating to the tunicates.被囊动物的:属于或关于被囊动物的2. Anatomy Having a tunic.【解剖学】 有被膜的3. Botany Having a tunic, as the bulb of an onion.【植物学】 有膜皮的,有鳞片的,如洋葱球的茎语源:1. Latin tunic³tus [past participle of] tunic³re [to clothe with a tunic] 拉丁语 tunic³tus  [] tunic³re的过去分词 [给…穿上长罩衫] 2. from tunica [tunic] * see  tunic 源自 tunica [长罩衫] *参见 tunic




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