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单词 Tunis
释义 Tunisn. 突尼斯(城) Tunis  Tu.nis  AHD:  [t›“n¹s, ty›“-] D.J.  [6tu8n!s, 6tju8-]K.K.  [6tun!s, 6tju-]NONE(无词性)1. A former Barbary state on the northern coast of Africa south and west of the ancient city of Carthage. It was conquered by the Turks in 1575 and later became a French protectorate (1881).突尼斯:曾是巴巴里诸国之一,位于非洲北部海岸,古城迦太基的西方与南方,1575年被土耳其人征服,后来成为法国的保护国(1881年)2. The capital and largest city of Tunisia, in the northern part of the country on theGulf of Tunis,  an inlet of the Mediterranean Sea. It occupies a site near the ruins of ancient Carthage. Population, 550,404. 突尼斯:突尼斯的首都和第一大城市,位于该国的北部,临突尼斯湾 -地中海的一个海湾。该市位于方城迦太基的遗址附近。人口550,404




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