单词 | turn |
释义 | turn[tə:n]n. 转弯, 转动, 旋转, 翻转, 一圈, 顺次, 改动, 变化, 性格, 特色, 形状, 转折vt. 使旋转, 转弯, 转动, 使转向, 驱赶, 阻挡, 兑换, 改写, 使作对, 绕过, 使流通vi. 转动, 转弯, 转向, 翻转, 回转, 改变, 转身, 变成, 变质, 晕眩, 易脱手【医】 转; 转变; 倒转(胎)【经】 转为相关词组:turn one's hand toturn one's stomachdo sb a good turndo sb a bad turnat every turncall the turnturn to the leftin the turn of a handin turnnot do a hand's turnon the turnout of turnserve sb's turnserve the turnto a turna good turnto the turn of a hairturn aboutturn and turn aboutturn asideturn awayturn sb awayturn backturn back toturn inturn oneself inturn inside outturn intoturn looseturn offturn sb offturn sth onturn on sbturn sb onturn outturn out sthturn out to beturn out to doturn out wellturn sth overturn overturn roundturn to sb for helpturn to a taskturn up sthturn up doingturn upturn upside downturn the facts upside downnot turn a hair turn turn AHD: [tûrn] D.J. [tT8n]K.K. [tPn]v.(动词) turned,turn.ing,turns v.tr.(及物动词)1. To cause to move around an axis or a center; cause to rotate or revolve.使旋转,转动:使绕着一个轴或中心移动;使转动或旋转2. To cause to move around in order to achieve a result, such as opening, closing, tightening, or loosening:转动:使转动以达到某种结果,如打开、关闭、拧紧或拧松:turn the key; turn a screw.转动钥匙;拧动螺丝钉3. To alter or control the functioning of (a mechanical device, for example) by the use of a rotating or similar movement:扭动,旋动:通过旋转或类似动作改变或控制(如机械装置)的功能:Please turn the iron to a hotter setting.请把熨斗旋动到更热4. To perform or accomplish by rotating or revolving:翻,翻转:通过转动或旋转来执行或完成:turn a somersault.翻筋斗5. To change the position of so that the underside becomes the upper side:翻转:改变…的位置而使下面的成为上面的:turn the steak; turn a page.翻转牛排;翻一页书6. To spade or plow (soil) to bring the undersoil to the surface.翻耕,翻土:翻(土)或犁(土),从而把下面的泥土翻到表面上来7. To reverse and resew the material of (a collar, for example).翻修:用翻料或重缝的方法修整(如领子)8. To revolve in the mind; meditate on; ponder.盘算;反复思考;考虑9. To give a rounded form to (wood, for example) by rotating against a cutting tool.车削:在切割工具上旋转而使(如木头)成为圆形10. To give a rounded shape to (clay, for example) by rotating and shaping with the hands or tools.使成形,使成圆形:用手或工具旋转和定型而使(例如粘土)成为圆形11. To give a rounded form to:使成圆形:turn a heel in knitting a sock.编织短袜时把脚的后跟织成圆形12. To give distinctive, artistic, or graceful form to:使变得形式优美,使变得形状匀称:给予独特,艺术,优雅的形式:“They know precisely how to turn a dramatic line or phrase that is guaranteed to make the evening news”(&b{William Safire})“他们当然知道如何写出适合晚间新闻的文采优美的词句”(威廉·萨菲尔)13. To change the position of by traversing an arc of a circle; pivot:绕过,转动:绕过一段圆弧改变位置;使绕枢轴转动:turned his chair toward the speaker.转动椅子面向说话人14. To cause (a scale) to move up or down so as to register weight:称重:使(秤台)上下移动以记录重量:Even a feather will turn a delicate scale.一台精密的天平能称出即使是一片羽毛的重量15. To fold, bend, or twist (something).使折叠,使弯曲,使扭曲16. To change the position or disposition of by folding, bending, or twisting:翻,翻转:通过折叠、弯曲成扭曲而改变位置或姿式:Turn the design right side up on all your jacket buttons. Turn the hat inside out.把你外套上的纽扣的图案翻转正了。把帽子的里面翻出来17. To make a bend or curve in:弄弯:把…弄弯把…弄成曲线:He could turn a bar of steel.他能把一根钢棒弄弯18. To blunt or dull (the edge of a cutting instrument).弄钝,弄卷刃(切割工具的刃)19. To injure by twisting:扭伤:因扭曲而弄伤:turn an ankle.扭伤了脚踝20. To upset or make nauseated:使作呕,使恶心:That story turns my stomach.这个故事令我作呕21. To change the direction or course of:使…改变方向,使改变路程:turn the car to the left.把车朝左拐22. To divert or deflect:使转向,使改变方向:turn a stampede.使群众分心23. To reverse the course of; cause to retreat:使撤退;使掉头:“Then turn your forces from this paltry siege/And stir them up against a mightier task”(&b{Shakespeare})“那么把你的军队调离这足取的围攻/而鼓动他们去完成更艰巨的任务”(莎士比亚)24. To make a course around or about:迂回,绕过,拐过:turn a corner.绕过拐角25. To change the purpose, intention, or content of by persuasion or influence:转变,改变:通过劝说或施加影响而改变目的、意图或倾向:His speech turned my thinking.他的演说改变了我的想法26. To change the order or disposition of; unsettle:使混乱,使迷乱;使错乱:“Sudden prosperity had turned&I{[his]} head” (&b{Macaulay})“飞来的横财使[他的] 脑筋不太正常” (麦考利)27. To set in a specified way or direction by or as if by rotating or pivoting; point:转动:通过或好象通过旋转或绕枢轴旋转而放在一定的方向或形态;指向:turn the antenna east.把触角转向东28. To present in a specified direction by or as if by rotating or pivoting:朝向,转弯:通过或好象旋转或绕枢轴转动而使出现在某一方向:turn one's face to the wall.将脸转向墙29. To aim or focus; train:瞄准或聚焦于;使对着:turn one's gaze to the sky.抬眼凝视天空30. To devote or apply (oneself, for example) to something:致力于,投身于:使(如自己)投身或致力于某事:She turned herself to music.她致力于音乐31. To cause to act or go against; make antagonistic:使反对,使敌对;使…成为敌人:News of the scandal turned public opinion against the candidate.关于丑闻的报道使公众舆论都反对候选人32. To cause to go in a specific direction; direct:引导,指导:使向某一特定方向运动;引导:They turned their way back.他们掉头向回走33. To send, drive, or let go:驱赶,打发,放走:turn the bully out of the bar; turned the dog loose.把这个恶棍赶出酒吧;把狗放开34. To pour, let fall, or otherwise release (contents) from or into a receptacle:倒,倾倒:倾倒或用其他方法把容器中的东西倒出或倒入容器:Turn the dough onto a floured board.把生面团倒在撒了面粉的板上35. To cause to take on a specified character, nature, identity, or appearance; change or transform. Used withto or into : 改变:使具有特定的性质、本质、身份或外形;改变或使变成。与to 或 into 连用: water that had been turned to ice; turn a rundown house into a show place.已变成冰的水;把一所破旧的房子改变成一个表演场所36. To make sour; ferment:使变酸;使变质:Lack of refrigeration turned the milk.没有电冰箱会使牛奶变质37. To affect or change the color of:使变色,使颜色改变:Autumn turns the green leaves golden.秋天使绿叶变成了金黄色38. To exchange; convert. Used withto or into : 交换;转换。与to 或 into 连用: turns her singing talent into extra money.把她的歌唱天赋转换成外块39. To keep in circulation; sell and restock:周转:使流通;出卖然后再进货:We turned a great deal of merchandise during the holidays.在假期中我们周转大量的商品40. To get by buying and selling:赚取,挣得:通过买和卖而挣得:turn a fair profit.赢利情况不错41. Slang To perform (an act of prostitution):【俚语】 进行(卖淫活动):turning tricks.卖淫v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To move around an axis or a center; rotate or revolve.旋转,周转:绕轴心或中心移动;旋转或周转2. To have a sensation of revolving or whirling, especially as a result of dizziness or giddiness.晕旋:有回旋或旋转的感觉,尤指是头晕或旋转的结果3. To change position from side to side or back and forth:翻转,转动:从一面到另一面或从前到后地改变位置:I tossed and turned all night.我整夜辗转反侧4. To progress through pages so as to arrive at a given place:翻书,翻页:翻动书页以到达特定地方:Please turn to page 361.请翻到361页5. To operate a lathe.开动车床6. To be formed on a lathe:车削:在车床上加工:a softwood that turns easily.极易车削的软木7. To direct one's way or course:转向:朝一个方向或路线走:The truck turned into the service station. We turned off the highway at the first exit.卡车朝加油站驶去。我们在第一个出口离开了高速公路8. To change or reverse one's way, course, or direction:转变,变化:改变或背离自己的道路,行程或方向:Too tired to go farther, we turned toward home.我们已筋疲力尽,再也走不动了,只有掉头回家9. To have a specific reaction or effect, especially when adverse.转变,转折:产生相反作用或特定的结果,尤指相反的情况10. To change one's actions or attitudes adversely; become hostile or antagonistic:反对,敌对:相反地改变自己的行动或态度;变得敌对或反对:The once servile peasants turned against the cruel king.曾一度臣服的农民起来反对残暴的国王11. To attack suddenly and violently with no apparent motive:突然袭击:没有明显动机地突然和猛烈地袭击:The tiger turned on the animal trainer.老虎突然向训兽员袭击12. To channel one's attention, interest, or thought toward or away from something:转移,转变:改变自己的注意力、兴趣或想法而转向或背离某物:“In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love”(&b{Tennyson})“在春天,年轻人的想象力很容易转移到关于爱情的遐想上去了”(坦尼森)13. To devote or apply oneself to something, as to a field of study:致力于:从事或献身于某事,如一门学问:Unsuccessful in mathematics, the student turned to biology.在数学上一无所成,这个学生转而从事生物学的研究14. To convert to a religion.改变信仰15. To switch one's loyalty from one side or party to another.背离,脱离:将自己对一方或一党的忠诚转向中另一方或另一党16. To have recourse to a person or thing for help, support, or information.依赖,求助:向某人或其它求助、请求支持或打听消息17. To depend on something for success or failure; hinge:成败的要素,关键:“The election would turn not on ideology but on competence”(&b{George F. Will})“选举将取决于竞争力而非空论”(乔治F.威尔)18. To change so as to be; become:变为;成为:His hair turned gray. I am a lawyer turned novelist.他的头发变得花白了。我是个从律师改业的小说家19. To change; become transformed. Used withto or into : 改变;变成。与to 或 into 连用: The sky turned to pink at dawn. The night turned into day.天空在黎明时分变成了粉红色。黑夜变成了白天20. To reach and pass (a certain age, for example):到达或过了(例如,一定的年龄):My niece has turned three.我的侄女三岁了21. To become sour:变酸:The milk turned because we did not refrigerate it.牛奶变酸了,因为我们没有它放到冰箱里22. To change color:变色:The leaves have turned.叶已经变色了23. To be stocked and sold:进货并销售:This merchandise will turn easily.这种商品很容易脱手24. To become dull or blunt by bending back. Used of the edge of a cutting instrument.使变钝:因向后弯曲而变钝。用于切割工具的刃n.(名词)1. The act of turning or the condition of being turned; rotation or revolution.转动,旋转:转动的动作或被转动的状况;转动或旋转2. A change of direction, motion, or position:转向,转弯:改变方向、动作成立置:Make a left turn at the corner.在拐角处向左转弯3. A place, as in a road or path, where a change in direction occurs; a curve:转弯处,转折点:方向出现变化的地点,如公路或小路上;弯曲:a sharp turn in the road.公路上的一个急转弯4. A departure or deviation, as in a trend:转变:偏离或背离,如某一趋势的:a strange turn of events.事件的奇怪转变5. A point marking the end of one period of time and the beginning of the next:转变时期,交替时期:标志着一个时期的结束和下一个时期的开始的时间:the turn of the century.世纪交替的时期6. A chance or an opportunity.机会,机遇7. One of a series of such opportunities accorded people in succession or in scheduled order:次序:依次轮流或按时间表的顺序排列的一系列机会中的一次:waiting for her next turn at bat.在棒球比赛中等练她的下一次击球机会8. A period of participation:回合:a turn at wrestling.摔跤运动的一个回合9. An attack of illness or severe nervousness.疾疾或紧张情绪的侵袭10. Informal A momentary shock or scare:【非正式用语】 一惊,一吓:瞬间的吃惊或恐惧:I had quite a turn when I first heard the crash.当我刚听到撞车时着实吓了一跳11. A characteristic mood, style, or habit; a natural inclination:天性,禀性:典型的情绪、风格成习惯;自然的倾向:a curious and speculative turn of mind.生性好奇,爱冒险12. A propensity or an adeptness:天赋,禀赋:a turn for carpentry.有做木工的天赋13. A distinctive, graceful, or artistic expression or arrangement of words:措辞:与众不同的、优雅的或艺术性的表达方式或词语安排:the poetic turn of a phrase.诗意的词句14. A movement or development in a particular direction:变化,转向:向特定方向的运动或发展:a turn for the worse.变得更糟15. A variation of a given kind or type:变动:给定的种类或类型的变动:“His muse occasionally takes a humorous and satirical turn”(&b{Albert C. Baugh})“他的诗句偶尔会变得幽默而有讽剌意味”(艾伯特C.鲍)16. A deed or an action having a good or bad effect on another:举动,行为:对另一人有帮助或损害的行为或举动:“He thought some friend had done him an ill turn”(&b{Stephen Crane})“他认为有个朋友对他有不利的举动”(斯蒂芬·克兰)17. Advantage or purpose:利益,目的:It served his turn.这对他有利18. A short walk or excursion out and back:走一圈,兜一圈:外出进行短距离散步或游览然后回来:took a turn in the park.在公园里走一圈19. A distortion in shape.变形:形状扭曲20. The condition of being twisted or wound.盘绕:被扭曲或盘绕的状况21. A winding of one thing about another.缠绕:用一物缠绕另一物22. A single wind or convolution, as of wire on a spool.盘绕一圈:绕一圈或一卷 ,如缠在锭子上的线23. Something that winds or turns around a center axis.一卷:围绕着轴心绕成一圆圈的东西24. Music A figure or an ornament consisting of four or more notes in rapid succession and including in addition to the principal note the one that is a degree above and the one that is a degree below it.【音乐】 加音:由一组四个或四个以上的音符,包括上方、下方辅助音绕着主音符或标出的音符构成的装饰音25. A brief theatrical act or stage appearance.短剧,舞台表演:短小的戏剧或舞台演出26. A transaction on the stock market involving both a sale and a purchase.股票交易:股票交易市场上的一次交易,涉及买和卖27. South Atlantic U.S. The amount that can be carried in the arms in one load:【美国南大西洋沿岸】 一捧,一抱:双臂一次所能搬运的量:a turn of firewood.一抱柴禾常用词组:turn away 1. To send away; dismiss:把…打发走;解雇:turned away the salesperson.解雇了推销员2. To repel:驱逐:The poor location of the condominium turned away many prospective buyers.公寓房偏僻的位置赶跑了许多很有希望的买主3. To avert; deflect:挡开;使转向:turned away all criticism.挡开了所有的批评turn back 1. To reverse one's direction of motion:折回,往回走:掉转某人的运动方向:stopped on the road and had to turn back.在公路上停了下来,只好往回走2. To drive back and away:使折回,赶回去:turned back the uninvited comers.把不速之客赶了回去3. To halt the advance of:使停止前进,挡住:managed to turn back the advancing army.设法挡住了向前推进的军队4. To fold down:翻起,折转:Turn back the corner of the page to save your place in the book.在书角上折一下来作读到哪里的记号turn down 1. To diminish the speed, volume, intensity, or flow of:降低,减弱:调低速度、音量、强度或流量:Turn down the radio, please.请把收音机的音量调低2. To reject or refuse, as a person, advice, or a suggestion:拒绝:拒绝某人、建议或忠告:We politely turned down the invitation.我们有礼貌地拒绝了邀请3. To fold or be capable of folding down:翻下:折转或能够被翻下:turn a collar down; a collar that turns down.翻下衣领;能翻下的衣领turn in 1. To hand in; give over:交还;上交:turned in the final exam.上交期末考试试卷2. To inform on or deliver:检举,陈述:The criminal turned herself in.罪犯自首了3. To produce:完成:turns in a consistent performance every day.每天的表现都很一致4. Informal To go to bed:【非正式用语】 上床睡觉:I turned in early last night.我昨晚很早就上床睡觉了turn off 1. To stop the operation, activity, or flow of; shut off:关闭,停止:终止运转、行为或流动;关掉:turned off the television.关掉电视2. Slang 【俚语】 3. To affect with dislike, displeasure, or revulsion:讨厌,厌恶:使不喜欢,讨厌或厌恶:That song really turns me off.我一点也不喜欢那首歌4. To affect with boredom:使厌烦:The play turned the audience off.这出戏让观众很倒味5. To lose or cause to lose interest; withdraw:失去或使失去兴趣;撤回:turning off to materialism.沦为实利主义6. To cease paying attention to:不注意:Unable to leave my seat, I turned off the boring speaker and thought about vacation.不能离开我的座位,我对那个令人厌烦的讲演者置之不理,开始考虑假期7. To divert; deflect.分散;转移8. Chiefly British To dismiss (an employee).【多用于英国】 解雇(员工)turn on 1. To cause to begin the operation, activity, or flow of:打开,开启:使开始运作、活动或流动:Turn on the light bulb.打开电灯2. To begin to display, employ, or exude:开始展示,显露出,流露出:turn on the charm.显露出魅力3. Slang 【俚语】 4. To take or cause to take a mind-altering drug, especially for the first time.开始或使开始吸毒,尤指第一次5. To be or cause to become interested, pleasurably excited, or stimulated. Often used withto : 使兴奋,使刺激:产生或使产生兴趣、兴奋或刺激。通常与to 连用: My uncle turned me on to jazz. She turned on to surfing this summer.我叔叔使我对爵士乐发生了兴趣。这个夏季她对滑水发生了兴趣6. To excite or become excited sexually.(使)激发性欲turn out 1. To shut off:关上,关掉:turned out the lights.关掉了灯2. To arrive or assemble, as for a public event or entertainment:聚集,召集:聚集或召集,如参加公众活动或娱乐:A large group of protesters have turned out.一大群抗议者聚集到了一起3. To produce, as by a manufacturing process; make:生产:产出,如通过制作过程;制造:an assembly line turning out cars.生产小汽车的流水线4. To be found to be, as after experience or trial:证实:发觉是,如经历或试验之后:The rookie turned out to be the best hitter on the team.新手证明是队里最出色的击球员5. To end up; result:结果;结果:The cake turned out beautifully.蛋糕最后做出来很漂亮6. To equip; outfit:装备;配置:troops that were turned out beautifully.装备精良的队伍7. Informal To get out of bed.【非正式用语】 起床8. To evict; expel:赶出;使搬走:The tenants were turned out.房客都被赶走了turn over 1. To bring the bottom to the top or vice versa; invert.翻转,翻过来:把底翻到上面或相反面;翻转2. To shift the position of, as by rolling from one side to the other.翻滚:改变位置,似乎通过从一边到另一边滚动3. To shift one's position by rolling from one side to the other.翻身:从一边滚向另一边改变位置4. To rotate; cycle:旋转;转动:The engine turned over but wouldn't start.发动机转了一圈,但是没有起动5. To think about; consider:考虑;思考:She turned over the problem in her mind.她仔细考虑了这个问题6. To transfer to another; surrender:移交;交出:turned over the illegal funds.交出了非法资金7. To do business to the extent or amount of:营业额达:turn over a million dollars a year.一年的营业额是一百万美元8. To seem to lurch or heave convulsively:翻动:似乎在痉挛性地抽动:My stomach turned over.我的胃在翻动turn to To begin work:开始工作:If you quit dawdling and just turn to, the cleaning will be done in a day.如果你停止闲逛,马上开始工作,清洁工作一天就能做完turn up 1. To increase the speed, volume, intensity, or flow of:开大,调高:增加速度、音量,强度或流量:turn up the public-address system.调高播音系统的音量2. To find:发现,找到:She turned up the missing papers under her blotter.她在记事本下找到了丢失的文件3. To be found:找到:The papers will turn up sooner or later.文件迟早会找到的4. To make an appearance; arrive:出现;到达:Several old friends turned up at the reunion.好几个老朋友出现在聚会上5. To fold or be capable of folding up:折叠:折叠或能够被折叠:turning up his cuffs; cuffs that will turn up.卷起自己的袖口;卷起来的袖口6. To happen unexpectedly:意外地发生:Something turned up and I was unable to go.发生了一点意外,我不能离开7. To be evident:变得明显:Her name constantly turns up in art circles.她的名字经常出现在艺术圈里习惯用语:at every turn In every place; at every moment.处处;时时by turns One after another; alternately:轮流地,交替地:“From the . . . testimony emerges a man by turns devious and honest, vulgar and gallant, scatterbrained and shrewd”(&b{Life})“从指证来看,一个人交替地表现为狡猾和诚实,粗鄙和豪侠,浮躁和精明”(生活)in turn In the proper order or sequence.依次地,轮流地out of turn 1. Not in the proper order or sequence.未按照正当的次序或顺序地2. At an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner:不合时宜地,轻率地:I may be speaking out of turn, but you might like to know that your attire does not conform to the dress code here.或许我说话有些不合时宜,但是你可能愿意知道你的衣着与这里的服装规则不相符to a turn To a precise degree; perfectly:正好;恰好:The roast was done to a turn.面包烤得恰到好处turn a blind eye To refuse to see or recognize something:熟视无睹:拒绝正视,装作没看见:turned a blind eye to government corruption.对于政府的腐败熟视无睹turn a deaf ear To refuse to listen to or hear something:置若罔闻,装作没听见:turned a deaf ear to the protests.对抗议置若罔闻turn a hair To become afraid or upset:慌张,不安:变得慌张或不安:didn't turn a hair during the bank robbery.在抢劫银行发生的过程中,没有露出丝毫慌张的神色turn (one's) back on 1. To deny; reject.拒绝;放弃2. To abandon; forsake.抛弃;丢弃turn (one's) hand To apply oneself, as to a task:着手:从事,如一项工作:turned her hand to writing the dissertation; was lazy and wouldn't turn his hand.开始着手写学术论文;很懒,不肯开始工作turn (one's) head 1. To cause to become infatuated.使变得糊涂2. To cause to become egotistical and conceited:使变得自负,自高大自:Success has turned his head.成功使他变得自高自大turn over a new leaf To change, as one's attitude or conduct, for the better.改过一新:向好的方面转变,如自己的态度成举止turn tail To run away.逃跑,逃走turn the corner 或 turn a corner To reach and surpass a midpoint or milestone.到达并超越了终点或里程碑turn the other cheek To respond to insult or injury by patiently eschewing retaliation.逆来顺受:以忍耐对待侮辱和伤害turn the scales To offset the balance of a situation.打破僵局:打破某一形式的平衡状态turn the tables To reverse a situation and gain the upper hand.转败为胜:扭转了局势而处于上风turn turtle To capsize or turn upside-down:倾覆,底朝天翻转:Our sailboat turned turtle during the squall.在风暴中我们的帆船翻了个底朝天turn up (one's) nose To regard (something) with disdain or scorn:轻视,看不起:不把…放在眼里,蔑视:turned up her nose at the food.她对食物嗤之以鼻语源:1. Middle English turnen 中古英语 turnen 2. from Old English turnian, tyrnan 源自 古英语 turnian, tyrnan 3. Old French torner 古法语 torner 4. both from Latin torn³re [to turn in a lathe] 都源自 拉丁语 torn³re [在车床上旋转] 5. from tornus [lathe] 源自 tornus [车床] 6. from Greek tornos * see ter…- 1源自 希腊语 tornos *参见 ter…- 1参考词汇:1. turn,rotate,revolve,gyrate,spin,whirl,circle,eddy,swirl2. These verbs all mean to move or cause to move in a circle.这些动词的意思都是在圆圈内转动或使转动。3. Turn, the most general, means to move in a circular course: Turn 最具概括性,意思是沿环形路线移动: turned and stared at me.转过身盯着我。4. Rotate usually involves movement around an object's own axis or center: Rotate 通常涉及物体绕自己的轴或中心旋转的动作: The top rotated with decreasing speed as the spring wound down.当发条越来越松时,陀螺也越转越慢。5. Revolve can have the same meaning asrotate, while in certain contexts it is distinguished from rotate as involving orbital movement: Revolve 的意思与rotate 大致一样,但在特定的语境中,它涉及到在轨道上的运动,因此与 rotate 有所区别: The earth revolves around the sun.地球绕太阳公转。6. Gyrate usually refers to revolving in or as if in a spiral course: Gyrate 一般指螺旋形的或好象是螺旋形的转动: “He . . . spun round, flung up his arms, and fell on his back, shot through” (John Galsworthy).“他猛地转过来,张开双臂,仰面倒在地上,被子弹射穿” (约翰·高尔斯华绥)。7. Whirl applies to rapid or forceful revolution or rotation: Whirl 指迅速或有力的转动或旋转: whirling snowflakes.飞旋的雪片。8. Circle refers to circular or approximately circular motion: Circle 指圆形的或大致成圆形的运动: sea gulls circling above the ocean.海鸥在大海上盘旋。9. Eddy usually denotes rapid circular movement like that of a whirlpool: Eddy 通常暗含象旋涡一样的圆形运动: Storm clouds eddied overhead.乌云在头顶翻滚。10. Swirl, often interchangeable witheddy, sometimes connotes a graceful undulation, spiral, or whorl: Swirl 通常与eddy 可以互换, 有时表示优美的起伏、旋转或螺旋: The milliner swirled tulle lavishly above the brim of the hat. See also Synonyms at &b{resort} 卖帽子的商人将面纱过多地卷在帽沿上 参见同义词 resort |
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