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单词 turnover
释义 turnover['tə:n,əuvə]n. 翻倒, 翻转, 半圆酥饼, 营业额, 流通, 周转a. 可翻转的【医】 更新, 周转【经】 营业额, 周转额, 周转率 turnover  turn.o.ver  AHD:  [tûrn“½”v…r] D.J.  [6tT8n7*&v*]K.K.  [6tPn7ov+]n.Abbr. t.o.(名词)缩写 t.o.1. The act of turning over; an upset or overthrow.翻滚:翻转的行为;翻倒,弄翻2. An abrupt change; a reversal.剧变:突然的变化,逆转,转向3. A small pastry made by covering one half of a piece of dough with fruit, preserves, or other filling and folding the other half over on top.馅饼:一种半圆形的小馅饼,做法是在半块面团上,放上水果、蜜饯或其它馅,而把另一半折压在上面4. The number of times a particular stock of goods is sold and restocked during a given period of time.周转变,周转次数:在给定时期间某一特定商品出售后又进货的次数5. The amount of business transacted during a given period of time.营业额,成交量:在给定的时期间成交的总额6. The number of shares of stock sold on the market during a given period of time.证券交易额:在给定的时间内市场出售的股份总数7. The number of workers hired by an establishment to replace those who have left in a given period of time.人员更替数,补缺人员数:企业或公司在给定时期内新雇用的代替已离去的工人的总数8. The ratio of this number to the number of employed workers.新雇人员比率:补缺人员数与雇佣人员总数的比值9. Sports A loss of possession of the ball to the opposing team, as by a misplay or an infraction of the rules.【体育运动】 易手,失球:把球丢给了对方球队,如出现失误或犯规adj.(形容词)Capable of being turned or folded down or over:可翻下的,或折转的:a turnover collar.可翻下的衣领




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