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单词 tweed
释义 tweed[twi:d]n. (粗)花呢, 花呢服装 tweed  tweed  AHD:  [tw¶d] D.J.  [twi8d]K.K.  [twid]n.(名词)1. A coarse, rugged, often nubby woolen fabric made in any of various twill weaves and used chiefly for casual suits and coats.粗花呢:一种粗糙不平的,通常为表面粗糙的毛料织物,用各种斜纹毛呢制成,主要用于制作休闲套装和外套2. tweeds Clothing made of this fabric.tweeds 花呢服装:这种织物制成的服装语源:1. Alteration  possibly influenced by the river  Tweed  可能受  Tweed河的影响2. of Scots tweel [twill] 苏格兰语 tweel的变化 [斜纹毛呢] 3. from Middle English twile * see  twill 源自 中古英语 twile *参见 twill注释:Calling the wordtweed  an alteration of the form tweel  obscures the fact that in this case, as in many others,human error has helped create a word.Tweed  is indeed possibly the result of a misreading of tweel,  an originally Scots form of twill. Tweed  also could be a misreading of an abbreviated form oftweeled,  a form of twilled.  Association withTweed,  the name of the river that is part of the border between England and Scotland, helped support the misreading,which was originally a trade name.The word is said to have first been used around 1831,but it is not recorded until 1847.Thus had it not been for the misreading,the tweedy look might have been the tweely look or the tweeledy look.把tweed 这个词当作 tweel 的一种变体形式掩盖了一个事实, 即和其它很多情况一样,这种情况使人类的错误创造了一个新词。Tweed 实际上很可能是 tweel 这一最早是 twill的苏格兰形式的误读造成的结果。 Tweed  也可能是派生词tweeled ,即 twilled 的另一种形式的误读。 与Tweed (特威德,英格兰和苏格兰边界上一条河的名字)相关联, 也促成了这种误读的形成。它最初是一个行业的名字。据说这个词最早应用于1831年,但直到1847年才有书面记录。因此,如果没有这种误读,衣着随便的样子就可能成了矫情的样子或斜纹毛呢装扮 Tweed 1  Tweed  AHD:  [tw¶d] D.J.  [twi8d]K.K.  [twid]NONE(无词性)A river, 156 km (97 mi) long, of southeast Scotland forming part of the Scottish-English border. It flows eastward to the North Sea and has rich salmon fisheries.特威德河:苏格兰东南部的一条河,流约156公里(97英里),形成苏格兰与英格兰边界的一个部分。它向东流注入北海,富产大马哈鱼 Tweed 2  Tweed&B{William Marcy}  Known as &b{“Boss Tweed.”}(&b{1823-1878})  NONE(无词性)American politician. The Democratic boss of New York City in the 1860's, he defrauded the city of millions of dollars before being exposed and convicted (1873).特威德,威廉·马西:(1823-1878) 美国政治家。他19世纪60年代是纽约市民主党的后台老板,侵吞城市公款上百万,后来被发现并判有罪(1873年)




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