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单词 twist
释义 twist[twist]n. 一扭, 扭曲, 曲折, 歪曲, 螺旋状, 新手法vt. 拧, 扭, 捻, 编织, 使扭转, 缠绕, 盘绕, 歪曲, 使转动, 使苦恼, 使混乱, 使旋转vi. 转向, 弯曲, 缠绕, 扭动, 呈螺旋形【化】 扭; 扭转; 歪曲; 捻度【医】 扭转; 捻线相关词组:twist off twist  twist  AHD:  [tw¹st] D.J.  [tw!st]K.K.  [tw!st]v.(动词)  twist.ed,,twists及物动词)1. To wind together (two or more threads, for example) so as to produce a single strand.扭成一束:捻合(例如两根或更多的线)成为一股2. To form in this manner:搓,捻:以这种方式产生:twist a length of rope from strands of hemp.用几股麻搓成了一段绳子3. To wind or coil (vines or rope, for example) about something.绕,卷:把(葡萄藤或绳子等)缠绕某物4. To interlock or interlace:连结,交结:twist flowers in one's hair.在头发上编花样5. To make (one's way) in a tortuous manner:弯曲地走(路):twisted my way through the briar patch.我在荆棘中挣扎前进6. To turn so as to face another direction:转身:转身面向另一个方向:twisted their heads around at the sound of the doorbell.听到门铃声,他们的头转了过去7. To impart a spiral or coiling shape to, as by turning the ends in opposite directions:使成螺旋状,使成卷曲状:使成螺旋形或盘绕的形状,如两头转向相反的方向:twisting wire into a loop.把电线弯成一个圈8. To turn or open by turning:扭或扭开:twisted off the bottle cap.把瓶盖拧开9. To pull, break, or snap by turning:破坏,弄断:用扭的方法拉、折断或剪切:twist off a dead branch.折断一根枯枝10. To wrench or sprain:猛扭或扭伤:twist one's wrist.扭伤了手腕11. To alter the normal aspect of; contort:改变正常的形状;使扭曲:twist one's mouth into a wry smile.咧嘴苦笑了一下12. To alter or distort the intended meaning of:曲解:改变或歪曲…的真正意思:The cross-examiner twisted the words of the witness.See Synonyms at &b{distort} 盘问者歪曲了证人的话参见 distort13. To alter or distort the mental, moral, or emotional character of:改变,扭曲:改变或歪曲…的精神、道德或感情上的性格:The trauma twisted the child's outlook.外伤改变了那个孩子的外貌v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To be or become twisted.被搓揉2. To move or progress in a winding course; meander:蜿蜒,曲折:弯弯曲曲地移动或前进;蜿蜒而流:The river twisted toward the sea.河水蜿蜒流向大海3. To squirm; writhe:扭曲身体;扭动:twist with pain.痛苦地扭动身体4. To rotate or revolve.旋转,转动5. To dance the twist.跳扭摆舞6. To move so as to face in another direction.移向另一个方向n.(名词)1. Something twisted or formed by twisting, especially:揉搓之物:缠绕或缠绕形成的东西,尤指:2. A length of yarn, cord, or thread, especially a strong silk thread used mainly to bind the edges of buttonholes.丝线:一段毛线、粗线或丝线,尤指主要用来缝合钮扣孔的结实丝线3. Tobacco leaves processed into the form of a rope or roll.烟草卷:加工成绳状或卷状的烟叶4. A loaf of bread or other bakery product made from pieces of dough twisted together.麻花状面包:用卷成一团的面团加工成的面包片或其它烤制的东西5. A sliver of citrus peel twisted over or dropped into a beverage for flavoring.橘子皮:放入或加入饮料中调味的一小块橘子皮6. The act of twisting or the condition of being twisted; a spin, twirl, or rotation.旋转:缠绕的动作或缠绕的状态;旋转、转动或轮流7. Sports 【体育运动】 8. A complete rotation of the body around its vertical axis, as in diving and gymnastics.转体动作:身体绕垂直轴心完整地绕一圈,如在跳水或体操中9. A spinning motion given to a ball when thrown or struck in a specific way.旋转:以一定的方式扔出或击球时加给球的旋转10. The state of being twisted into a spiral; torsional stress or strain.螺旋状,扭力:扭成螺旋状;扭转的压力或张力11. The degree or angle of torsional stress.扭力的强度,扭力的角度12. A contortion or distortion of the body, especially the face.扭曲:身体,尤其是脸部的扭曲或歪曲13. A distortion of meaning:意思的曲解:gave my words a misleading twist.误解了我的话14. A sprain or wrench, as of an ankle.扭伤,如踝关节15. A change in direction; a turn:改变方向;转弯:a sharp twist in the path.小路上的一个急转弯16. An unexpected change in a process or a departure from a pattern, often producing a distortion or perversion:变化:在过程中出人意料的变化或方式的改变,经常产生扭曲或颠倒:a twist of fate; a story with a quirky twist.命运的扭转;跌宕起伏的故事17. A personal inclination or eccentricity; a penchant or flaw:古怪的倾向:个人的倾向或怪癖;倾向或缺陷:an odd twist to his character.他性格中古怪的癖好18. A dance characterized by vigorous gyrations of the hips and arms.摇摆舞:屁股和胳膊大幅扭动的舞蹈习惯用语:twist (someone's) arm【俚语】  To coerce by or as if by physical force:向某人施加压力:用或好象用施加压力的办法来强迫某人服从:If you twist my arm, I'll stay for a second beer.如果你向我施压的话,我会留下来喝第二杯啤酒语源:1. Middle English twisten 中古英语 twisten 2. from twist [a divided object, fork, rope] 源自 twist [分叉的东西,叉子,绳子] 3. from Old English -twist * see  dwo- 源自 古英语 -twist *参见 dwo- 继承用法:twist”abil“ity  n.(名词)twist“able  adj.(形容词)twist“ingly  adv.(副词)twist“y  adj.(形容词)




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