单词 | typography |
释义 | typography[tai'pɒgrəfi]n. 凸版印刷术, 排印, 印刷版面式样 typography ty.pog.ra.phy AHD: [tº-p¼g“r…-f¶] D.J. [ta!6pKgr*fi8]K.K. [ta!6p$gr*fi]n.(名词) 【复数】 ty.pog.ra.phies 缩写 typ.,typo.【印刷术】 1. The art and technique of printing with movable type.铅印术:用活铅字印刷的艺术和技术2. The composition of printed material from movable type.用活铅字印刷的材料作品3. The arrangement and appearance of printed matter.印刷排版和表面式样语源:1. French typographie 法语 typographie 2. from Medieval Latin typographia 源自 中世纪拉丁语 typographia 3. Greek tupos [impression] 希腊语 tupos [印象] 4. Latin -graphia [-graphy] 拉丁语 -graphia [后缀,表示“…术”] 继承用法:ty”pograph“ical AHD: [tº”p…-gr²f“¹-k…l] 或 ty”po.graph“ic [-gr²f“¹k] (形容词)ty”pograph“ically adv.(副词) |
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