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单词 Tyrol
释义 Tyrol  Tyrol 或 Ti.rol  AHD:  [t…-r½l“, tº-, tº“r½l”] D.J.  [t*6r*&l, ta!-, 6ta!7r*&l]K.K.  [t*6rol, ta!-, 6ta!7rol]NONE(无词性)A region of the eastern Alps in western Austria and northern Italy. Inhabited in ancient times by Celtic peoples, the Tyrol constantly passed back and forth, in whole or in part, between Austria and Italy in the 1800's. Its present division dates from the Treaty of St. Germain in 1919. The Tyrolean Alps are a popular tourist area.蒂罗尔:奥地利西部及意大利北部的阿尔卑斯山东部的一个地区。在古代由凯尔特人居住,在19世纪,蒂罗尔不断地,部分或整体地在奥地利和意大利之间来回转手。现在的划分是从1919年的圣杰曼条约开始的。蒂罗尔阿尔卑斯山区是一个很受欢迎的旅游区继承用法:Tyrol“lean  或  Tyr”olese“  AHD:  [t¹r”…-l¶z“, -l¶s“, tº”r…-] (形容词)(名词)




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