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单词 un-
释义 un-pref. 不, 不会的, 无, 未, 非【医】 不 un- 1  un- 1  pref.(前缀)1. Not:不:unhappy.不快乐的2. Opposite of; contrary to:对…相对的;与…相反的:unrest.骚乱语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English * see  ne 源自 古英语 *参见 ne 用法:There is occasional uncertainty as to the choice between the prefixesun-  and in-.   In general, the native English formun-  is the more widely applicable. It is the usual choice with simple stems,as inunfair, unclean, uneven,  or unripe,  and with words bearing native English endings: unceasing, unmindful, unwealthy, unselfish,  or unwholesome. In- is used primarily with established words originally having Latin endings: inaccurate, incapacity, indivisible, insignificant, illegal, impossible,  or irregular.   Sometimes the addition of a Latinate suffix to a word changes it from theun-  category to the in-  category: thus, we haveunable, unequal, unjust, undivided,  and unstable  but inability, inequality, injustice, indivisible,  and instability.  A few words with Latinate suffixes do takeun- : unadventurous, unceremonious, unconditional,  and unconventional.   A few stems appear with both prefixes with distinctions of meaning.Inhuman  means “brutal, monstrous,” while unhuman  means “not of human form, superhuman.” ·  When used with adjectives,un-  often has a sense distinct from that of non-. Non- picks out the set of things that are not in the category denoted by the stem to which it is attached, whereasun-  picks out properties unlike those of the prototypical exemplars of the category. Thusnonmilitary personnel  are those who are not members of the military, whereas someone who isunmilitary  is unlike a prototypical soldier in dress, habits, or attitudes. 对于选择前缀-un 还是 -in 经常难以确定。 通常,原英语形式un- 是使用最广的。 它是一般被选作与简单的词干搭配,象不公平的、不干净的、不平衡的 或 不熟的, 也常常与带有英语词尾的词连用: 不停息的、不在意的、不富裕的、不自私的 或 不适合健康的。 In-主要与有拉丁字尾的固定字连用: 不精确的、无能力的、不可分的、不重要的、非法的、不可能的 或 不规律的。  有时在词后加一个拉丁词尾,会使un- 竟变为 in- 类: 这样就出现了不能够的、不平等的、不公正的、未分开的 和 不稳固的, 但是却有 无能、不平等、不公正,不可分的 和 非稳固性。  有些有拉丁后缀的词也与un- 连用: 无冒险性的、非正式的、无条件的 和 非传统的。  有些词干可以跟这两个前缀连用,但意义不同。Inhuman 意思是“粗野的,可恨的”但 unhuman 表示“非人形的,超人的”。 当un- 与形容词连用时,与 non-意义不同。 Non-区别出不属于主干所示类型的事物, 反之un- 则区别出与此类型中的典范性质不同的事物。 这样nonmilitary personnel 是指非军事人员, 而unmilitary 则表示与典型军人在衣着、习惯或态度上不同的人  un- 2  un- 2  pref.(前缀)1. To reverse or undo the result of a specified action:表示“做相反之动作”:颠倒或消除某特定行为之效果:unbind.解开,释放2. To deprive of or remove a specified thing:表示“使丧失”“夺去”:剥夺或除去一特定事物:unfrock.罢黜3. To release, free, or remove from:释放,解放或迁移:unyoke.解除束缚4. Used as an intensive:用作强调词:unloose.解开,释放语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English on- 源自 古英语 on- 3. alteration  influenced by un- [not] * see  un- 1 受 un-的影响 [不] *参见 un-14. of ond-, and-, an- [against, opposing] * see  ant- ond-的变化, and-, an- [反对,相反的] *参见 ant- 用法:1. Strictly speaking, the intensive use ofun-  in words such as unloose, unravel, unthaw, unstrip,  or unrid  is redundant: unloose  has exactly the same sense as loose; unravel,  as ravel;  and so on. For this reason, many grammarians have suggested that the prefix be avoided,although they allow that it is well established in certain cases,such asunloose  and unravel,  and has been used by reputable writers:  严格地说,-un- 在 松开、拆散、融化、剥去 或 除去 中的强调用法纯属多余: unloose 和 loose;unravel 和 ravel ,诸如此类,意义完全相同。 因此有些语言家建议免去这个前缀,尽管他们承认这个用法在很多场合已经固定下来,如unloose 和 unravel ,而且很多知名作家也使用这种用法:  “The weak wanton Cupid/Shall from your neck unloose his amorous fold”  (Shakespeare).“脆弱而放纵的丘比特/会以你的脖颈松开他多情的拥抱”  (莎士比亚)。2. Some constructions require the prefixed form: 有些结构中要求使用这一前缀形式: During the storm all the insulation came unstripped (not &I{stripped} ). During the storm all the insulation came unstripped(在暴风雨中所有绝缘材料都未被剥落)(而非 stripped )  UN  UN 或 U.N.  abbr.(略语)United Nations. United Nations.




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