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单词 uncle
释义 uncle[ʌŋkl]n. 叔父, 伯父, 姨丈相关词组:say uncletalk to sb like a Dutch uncle uncle  un.cle  AHD:  [¾ng“k…l] D.J.  [6J0k*l]K.K.  [6J0k*l]n.(名词)1. Abbr. u.,U.缩写 u.,U.2. The brother of one's mother or father.舅舅,叔伯:父亲或母亲兄弟3. The husband of one's aunt.姨父,姑父:阿姨或姑姑的丈夫4. Used as a form of address for an older man, especially by children.孩子用于对长者的称呼5. A kindly counselor.好心的忠告者6. Slang A pawnbroker.【俚语】 开当铺者7. Uncle Uncle Sam.Uncle 山姆大叔习惯用语:cry uncle 或  say uncle 【非正式用语】  To indicate a willingness to give up a fight or surrender:投降:愿意放弃战斗或投降:Members of the gang held him down until at last he cried uncle.一帮盗贼强按住他直到最后他喊投降语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Anglo-Norman 源自 英法语 3. from Latin avunculus [maternal uncle] * see  awo- 源自 拉丁语 avunculus [舅舅] *参见 awo- 继承用法:un“cleless  adj.(形容词)




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