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单词 underhand
释义 underhand['ʌndəhænd]a. 秘密的, 低手的, 偷偷摸摸的【法】 卑鄙的, 秘密的, 欺诈的 underhand  un.der.hand  AHD:  [¾n“d…r-h²nd”]  也作 un.der.hand.ed [¾n”d…r-h²n“d¹d] D.J.  [6Jnd*7h#nd] 也作 un.der.hand.ed [7Jnd*6h#nd!d]K.K.  [6Jnd+7h#nd] 也作 un.der.hand.ed [7Jnd+6h#nd!d]adj.(形容词)1. Marked by or done in a deceptive, secret, or sly manner; dishonest and sneaky.See Synonyms at secret 秘密的,阴险的:欺骗性的,秘密的,狡猾的,不诚实的,鬼鬼崇崇的参见 secret2. Sports Executed with the hand brought forward and up from below the level of the shoulder; underarm:【体育运动】 下手的:手从肩下向前方或上方带动的;低手击出的:an underhand pitch; an underhand stroke.低手投球;下后手击球adv.(副词)1. With an underhand movement:下手地:Throw the ball underhand.下手投球2. In a sly and secret way.偷偷地,秘密地继承用法:un“derhand”  n.(名词)un”derhand“edly  adv.(副词)un”derhand“edness  n.(名词)




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