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单词 understanding
释义 understanding[,ʌndə'stændiŋ]n. 理解, 谅解【法】 协商, 协议, 谅解相关词组:on the understanding thatwith his understanding understanding  AHD:  [¾n”d…r-st²n“d¹ng] D.J.  [7Jnd*6st#nd!0]K.K.  [7Jnd+6st#nd!0]n.(名词)1. The quality or condition of one who understands; comprehension.了解;理解:能理解的人的品质和条件;理解2. The faculty by which one understands; intelligence.See Synonyms at reason 理解力:某人借以理解的能力;理解力参见 reason3. Individual or specified judgment or outlook; opinion.个人看法,见解:个人的或规定的判断或观点;观点4. A compact implicit between two or more people or groups.不成文的规定:在两人、更多人或群体之间的默契5. The matter implicit in such a compact.这样规定中的事项6. A reconciliation of differences; a state of agreement:谅解,协定:分歧的和解;同意的状态:They finally reached an understanding.他们最后达成谅解7. A disposition to appreciate or share the feelings and thoughts of others; sympathy.同情,了解:懂得或分享别人的感觉和思想的性情;同情adj.(形容词)1. Characterized by or having comprehension, good sense, or discernment.有理解力的,有洞察力的:以具有良好的判断力、辨别力和洞察力为特点的2. Compassionate; sympathetic.富于同情心的;同情的继承用法:un”derstand“ingly  adv.(副词)




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