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单词 unexceptionable
释义 unexceptionable[,ʌnik'sepʃənəbl]a. 无懈可击的, 极好的, 完美无缺的 unexceptionable  un.ex.cep.tion.a.ble  AHD:  [¾n”¹k-sµp“sh…-n…-b…l] D.J.  [7Jn!k6sep.*n*b*l]K.K.  [7Jn!k6sWp.*n*b*l]adj.(形容词)Beyond any reasonable objection; irreproachable.无懈可击的;无可指责的继承用法:un”excep“tionableness  n.(名词)un”excep“tionably  adv.(副词)用法:Unexceptional  and unexceptionable  are sometimes confused. Unexceptionable  is derived from the word exception  in the sense “objection,”  as in the idiomtake exception.  Thusunexceptionable  means “not open to any objection,” as inA judge's ethical standards should be unexceptionable. Unexceptional, in contrast, is related to the common sense of exception  and generally means “not exceptional, not varying from the usual,” as inSome judges' ethical standards have unfortunately been unexceptional.  Unexceptional 与 unexceptionable 有时被混淆了。 Unexceptionable 是由词 exception 引出的,有“反对”的意思, 如在成语take exception。  而unexceptionable 表示“不会有任何反对,” 如在A judge's ethical standards should be unexceptionable.(法官的伦理标准应该是无懈可击的)。 Unexceptional,相比之下,是有关 exception 的一般意义,通常表示“无例外的,不从通常改变的," 如在Some judge's ethical standards have unfortunately been unexceptional.(某些法官的伦理标准不幸地是不容许有例外的)  




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