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单词 basset horn
释义 basset horn  bas.set horn  AHD:  [b²s“¹t] D.J.  [6b#s!t]K.K.  [6b#s!t]n.(名词)A tenor clarinet, pitched in F, having a wider bell and greater range than a standard clarinet.巴塞管,次中音单簧管:F调的次中音单簧管,管口较大,音域比普通单簧管宽语源:1. Partial translation of German Bassetthorn  Partial translation of German Bassetthorn  2. Bassett  [type of low-pitched string instrument]  ultimately from Italian basso  [low] * see  basso Bassett  [type of low-pitched string instrument]  ultimately from Italian basso  [low] *参见 basso3. Horn  [horn (from the resemblance of early crescent-shaped models to hunting horns)] Horn  [horn (from the resemblance of early crescent-shaped models to hunting horns)]




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