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单词 unruly
释义 unruly[,ʌn'ru:li]a. 难控制的, 无法无天的, 任性的 unruly  AHD:  [¾n-r›“l¶] D.J.  [Jn6ru8li8]K.K.  [Jn6ruli]adj.(形容词), Difficult or impossible to discipline, control, or rule.难以或不可能训练,控制或统治的语源:1. Middle English unreuli 中古英语 unreuli 2. un- [not] * see  un- 1un- [不] *参见 un-13. reuli [easy to govern]  from reule [rule] * see  rule reuli [容易治理的]  源自 reule [统治] *参见 rule继承用法:unru“liness  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. unruly,ungovernable,intractable,refractory,recalcitrant,willful,headstrong,wayward2. These adjectives all mean resistant or marked by resistance to control.这些形容词都指对控制有抵制性的或以对控制的抵制为特征的。3. Unruly   implies failure to submit to rule or discipline: Unruly  暗示未能服从统治或纪律: an ungovernable temper.无法抑制的坏脾气。4. Intractable   refers to what is obstinate and difficult to manage or control: Intractable  指顽固的和不易管理或控制的东西: “Fox, as the less proud and intractable of the refractory pair, was preferred” (Macaulay).“福克斯是这两个脾气倔强人中较少傲气和较为容易控制的一个,因此被看中了”  (麦考利)。5. Refractory   implies stubborn resistance to control or authority: Refractory  暗示对控制或权威的顽固抵抗: The university suspended the most recalcitrant demonstrators.该大学对最为桀骜不驯的学生做了暂令停学的处理。6. Willful   andheadstrong  describe one obstinately bent on having his or her own way:  Willful  和headstrong 指一个人顽固地决心要按他或她自己的意愿行事:  “a lively child, who had been spoilt and indulged, and therefore was sometimes wayward” (Charlotte Brontë).“原本是一个活泼可爱的小孩,可因为被宠惯了,所以有时也会刚愎自用,任性倔强” (夏洛蒂·勃朗特)




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