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单词 valid
释义 valid['vælid]a. 有确实根据的, 有法律效力的, 正当的, 正确的【经】 有效的 valid  AHD:  [v²l“¹d] D.J.  [6v#l!d]K.K.  [6v#l!d]adj.(形容词)1. Well grounded; just:正当的:有根据的;公正的:a valid objection.有根据的反对2. Producing the desired results; efficacious:有效的:产生所要结果的;有效的:valid methods.有效的办法3. Having legal force; effective or binding:有根据的:有合法的权力;有效的或有约束力的:a valid title.有效的名称4. Logic 【逻辑学】 5. Containing premises from which the conclusion may logically be derived:暗示结论的:含有可以符合逻辑地从其中得出结论的前提的:a valid argument.证据可靠的论点6. Correctly inferred or deduced from a premise:逻辑上真实的:从前提正确地推断或演绎的:a valid conclusion.正确推断的结论7. Archaic Of sound health; robust.【古语】 强壮的:非常健康的;强健的语源:1. French valide 法语 valide 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin validus [strong] 源自 拉丁语 validus [强壮的] 4. from val¶re [to be strong] * see  wal- 源自 val¶re [强壮] *参见 wal- 继承用法:valid“ity  或  n.(名词)va“lidness  va“lidly  adv.(副词)参考词汇:1. valid,sound,cogent,convincing,telling2. These adjectives describe assertions, arguments, conclusions, reasons, or intellectual processes that are persuasive because they are well founded, as in fact, logic. or rationality.What isvalid  is based on or borne out by truth or fact or has legal force:  这些形容词描述了因为有确凿证据,如在事实、逻辑或理由上,而很具说服力的主张、争论、结论、理由或智力过程。valid 的事物是建立在或产生于真理或事实上或具有法律效应:  a cogent explanation.有说服力的解释。3. Convincing   implies the power to dispel doubt or overcome resistance or opposition: Convincing  是指消除疑虑或克服抵制或反对的力量: convincing proof.使人信服的证明。4. Telling   means strikingly effective: Telling  意指惊人的有效: The attorney's summation was telling. 这个律师的判论总结是非常有效的




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