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单词 bayonet
释义 bayonet['beiənit]n. 刺刀 bayonet  AHD:  [b³“…-n¹t, -nµt”, b³”…-nµt“] D.J.  [6be!*n!t, -7net, 7be!*6net]K.K.  [6be*n!t, -7nWt, 7be*6nWt]n.(名词)A blade adapted to fit the muzzle end of a rifle and used as a weapon in close combat.刺刀:安装在步枪口的利刃,用作近战武器及物动词) 或 或 bay.o.nets 或 bay.o.nets  To prod, stab, or kill with this weapon.刺杀:用这种武器戳、刺伤或杀死语源:1. French baïonnette 法语 baïonnette 2. after  Bayonne 1源自  Bayonne1注释:It is not unusual for a word to come from a place name.Cheddar,  from the name of a village in southwest England; hamburger,  after Hamburg, Germany; and mayonnaise,  possibly from Mahón, the capital of Minorca, are often found together on our tables.The wordbayonet,  a very undomestic sort of word, also derives from a place name,that of Bayonne, a town in southwest France where the weapon was first made.The French wordbaïonnette  could mean “a dagger or a knife” as well, and the English word bayonet  is first found in 1672 with this meaning. The word is first recorded in its present sense in 1704.一个词来源于一个地名并非罕见。Cheddar 来源于英格兰西南部一个村庄的名字; hamburger 是根据德国汉堡而得名; mayonnaise 可能来自米诺卡岛的首府梅霍恩, 这些词常常可以在我们的表里一齐被找到。bayonet, 一个与母语毫无关系的词, 也是来自地名,那就是法国西南城镇巴约讷,在那里首先造出了这种武器。法语词baionnette 可能意味着“短剑或刀”,同样英语的 bayonet 于1672年第一次被发现时也具有这个意思。 在1704年这个词首次以现在的意思被记录下来




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