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单词 vaudeville
释义 vaudeville['vəudəvil]n. 杂耍, 轻歌舞剧 vaudeville  vaude.ville  AHD:  [vôd“v¹l”, v½d“-, vô“d…-] D.J.  [6v%8d7v!l, 6v*&d-, 6v%8d*-]K.K.  [6v%d7v!l, 6vod-, 6v%d*-]n.(名词)1. Stage entertainment offering a variety of short acts such as slapstick turns, song-and-dance routines, and juggling performances.杂耍:提供多种短小节目的舞台娱乐演出,诸如滑稽节目、歌舞节目以及魔术表演2. A theatrical performance of this kind; a variety show.杂耍表演:这类的戏剧演出;综合演出3. A light comic play that often includes songs, pantomime, and dances.轻歌舞剧:通常包括有歌曲、哑剧以及舞蹈的轻喜剧4. Music A popular, often satirical song.【音乐】 带讽刺味的流行歌曲语源:1. French 法语 2. alteration of Old French vaudevire [occasional or topical light popular song] 古法语 vaudevire的变化 [临时的或地方性的轻松的流行歌曲] 3. possibly short for chanson du Vau de Vire [song of Vau de Vire, a valley of northwest France] 可能为 chanson du Vau de Vire的简写 [瓦德维尔之歌,法国西南部的一个山谷] 4. or perhaps 或可能为 5. dialectal vauder [to go] 方言 vauder [去] 6. virer [to turn] * see  veer 1virer [转] *参见 veer1




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