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单词 Velcro
释义 Velcro  Vel.cro  AHD:  [vµl“kr½] D.J.  [6velkr*&]K.K.  [6vWlkro]NONE(无词性)A trademark used for a fastening tape consisting of a strip of nylon with a surface of minute hooks that fasten to a corresponding strip with a surface of uncut pile, used especially on cloth products, such as outerwear, luggage, and athletic shoes. This trademark sometimes occurs in print in lowercase:“dart boards with velcro balls for darts”  (American Banker). It also occurs as a verb: “We might Velcro the camera to the window, to steady it”  (Washington Post). The trademark occurs in figurative contexts as well: 维可牢:一种尼龙刺粘搭链的商标,该搭链由一条表面有细小钩子的尼龙条与表面有毛圈的对应的尼龙条粘合面构成,尤指用于布制品上,如外套、箱包以及田径鞋等。该商标有时用小写母排印:“在掷镖游戏中用的带维可牢球的靶” (美国银行家)。它也以动词的形式出现: “我们可以把照相机用维可牢粘在窗上,使其固定下来” (华盛顿邮报)。该商标也同样出现在象征性的语境中: “Many colleges and universities have adopted a Velcro approach to curriculum design: sticking additional requirements on a base of distribution requirements”(&b{New York Times})“In the early stages of a romance—the Velcro period—intimacy is rarely an issue”(&b{Chicago Tribune})“许多学院和大学已采用了一种设置课程的维可牢方法:在分类要求的上插入附加的要求”(纽约时报)“在浪漫文学的早期阶段——维可牢时期——极少描述亲昵的行为”(芝加哥论坛报)




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