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单词 Venezuela
释义 Venezuelan. 委内瑞拉 Venezuela 1  AHD:  [vµn”…-zw³“l…, -zw¶“-] 缩写 Ven.,Venez.D.J.  [7ven*6zwe!l*, -6zwi8-]K.K.  [7vWn*6zwel*, -6zwi-]NONE(无词性)A country of northern South America on the Caribbean Sea. In 1499 a Spanish explorer first applied the name, meaning “little Venice,” to an offshore island where the inhabitants raised their huts above the water on stilts, and the name was then used for the mainland area. Dominated by Spain after the 16th century, Venezuela was liberated by Simón Bolívar in 1821, although it was not formally separated from Colombia until 1830. Caracas is the capital and the largest city. Population, 14,515,885.委内瑞拉:南美洲北部的一个国家,临加勒比海。在1499年一个西班牙探险家首先把意思为“小威尼斯”的这个名字用于一个近海岛屿,该岛的居民把他们的小屋用支柱支撑建于水面上,以后该名就被用于大陆地区。委内瑞拉自16世纪以后为西班牙所统治,在1821年被西蒙·波利瓦尔解放,直至1830年才正式从哥伦比亚分离出来。加拉加斯是该国首都和最大的城市。人口14,515,885继承用法:Ven”ezue“lan  n.(名词)adj.(形容词) Venezuela 2  Venezuela,Gulf of。  NONE(无词性)An inlet of the Caribbean Sea between northwest Venezuela and northern Colombia. It extends southward as Lake Maracaibo.委内瑞拉湾:加勒比海位于委内瑞拉西北部和哥伦比亚北部之间的一个港湾。它向南延伸成为马拉开波湖




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