释义 |
beagle['bi:gl]n. 长耳短腿小猎犬, 间谍, 密探【法】 侦探, 间谍, 执行官 beagle bea.gle AHD: [b¶“g…l] D.J. [6bi8g*l]K.K. [6big*l]n.(名词)One of a breed of small hounds having short legs, drooping ears, and a smooth coat with white, black, and tan markings.毕尔格猎犬:一种小型猎犬,短腿、耳朵下垂且平滑的皮毛上带有白色、黑色和褐色斑纹语源:1. Middle English begle 中古英语 begle 2. possibly from Old French bee gueule [loudmouth] 可能源自 古法语 bee gueule [吵闹,喧哗的人] 3. beer [to gape] variant of baer * see bay 2beer [张大嘴,目瞪口呆] baer的变体 *参见 bay24. gueule [gullet] from Latin gula gueule [咽喉,水道] 源自 拉丁语 gula |