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单词 beak
释义 beak[bi:k]n. 鸟嘴, 喙【医】 嘴, 喙 beak  beak  AHD:  [b¶k] D.J.  [bi8k]K.K.  [bik]n.(名词)1. The horny, projecting structure forming the mandibles of a bird, especially one that is strong, sharp, and useful in striking and tearing; a bill.鸟喙,鸟嘴:构成鸟嘴上下喙的角质突出结构,尤指坚硬、锋利且有撕扯、刺穿之功用;鸟喙,鸟嘴2. A similar structure in other animals, such as turtles, insects, or fish.喙状嘴:其它动物类似的喙状结构,如海龟、昆虫或鱼类3. A usually firm, tapering tip on certain plant structures, such as some seeds and fruits.坚果:某些植物组织上通常硬而坚的顶端,如一些种子和果实4. A beaklike structure or part, as:鸟喙:似鸟嘴的结构和部分,如:5. The spout of a pitcher.大壶嘴6. A metal or metal-clad ram projecting from the bow of an ancient warship.铁嘴:古代战舰船头上突出的金属或包有金属的铁嘴撞角7. Informal The human nose.【非正式用语】 人的鼻子8. Chiefly British 【多用于英国】 9. A schoolmaster.校长10. A judge.法官语源:1. Middle English bek 中古英语 bek 2. from Old French bec 源自 古法语 bec 3. from Latin beccus 源自 拉丁语 beccus 4. [of Celtic origin] [起源于凯尔特语的] 继承用法:beaked  adj.(形容词)




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