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单词 vibrate
释义 vibrate['vaibreit]vi. 振动, 颤动, 激动, 摇摆, 踌躇vt. 使颤动, 使振动, 使摆动【医】 振动, 震动 vibrate  vi.brate  AHD:  [vº“br³t”] D.J.  [6va!7bre!t]K.K.  [6va!7bret]v.(动词)  vi.brat.ed,,vi.brates v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To move back and forth or to and fro, especially rhythmically and rapidly.See Synonyms at swing 摆动,振动:迅速并有节奏的来回移动参见 swing2. To feel a quiver of emotion.激动:感情上的震撼3. To shake or move with or as if with a slight quivering or trembling motion:颤动:震动或移动,带着或好象带有一点感情上的抖动或颤抖:“Even as the film moved . . . to the more deadly fields of Vietnam, old hatreds vibrated in me”(&b{Loudon Wainwright})“尽管电影移向越南更加死气沉沉的区域,古老的憎恨仍在我的心中震动”(劳登·韦恩赖特)4. To produce a sound; resonate.产生声音;回响5. To fluctuate or waver in making choices; vacillate.犹豫:选择时来回摆动;摆动及物动词)1. To cause to tremble or quiver.使抖动或颤抖2. To cause to move back and forth rapidly.摆动:使来回迅速移动3. To produce (sound) by vibration.通过振动产生(声音)语源:Latin vibr³re  vibr³t- * see  weip- 拉丁语 vibr³re  vibr³t- *参见 weip-




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