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单词 Virgin Islands
释义 Virgin Islands  Virgin Islands  NONE(无词性)1. Abbr. V.I.A group of islands of the northeast West Indies east of Puerto Rico. They are divided politically into theBritish Virgin Islands  to the northeast and the Virgin Islands of the United States to the southwest. The islands were first sighted and named by Christopher Columbus in 1493. 缩写 V.I.维尔京群岛:位于波多黎各东部、西印度群岛东北部的群岛。因政治原因分裂为东北的英属维尔京群岛 和西南的美属维尔京群岛。该岛首次于1493年由克里斯朵夫·哥伦布发现并命名 2. or Officially Virgin Islands of the United States Abbr. VI,V.I.A United States territory constituting the southwest group of the Virgin Islands. The islands were purchased from the Dutch in 1917 because of their strategic location at the approach to the Panama Canal. Charlotte Amalie, on St. Thomas Island, is the capital. Population, 96,569.或 正式名称 Virgin Islands of the United States 缩写 VI,V.I.维尔京群岛:组成维尔京群岛西南部的美国领土。由于它们是通向巴拿马运河的战略要地,1917年美国从荷兰购回该地。圣·汤姆斯岛上的夏洛特阿马利是其首府。人口96,569




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