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单词 vum
释义 vum[vʌm]vi. 发誓 vum  vum  AHD:  [v¾m] D.J.  [vJm]K.K.  [vJm]interj.New England (感叹词)【新英格兰】 Used to express surprise.用于表示惊讶语源:Alteration of vow 2vow2的变化 注释:A New Englander expressing surprise is liable to say,“Well, I vum!”   This odd-sounding word is in fact an alteration of the verbvow  that goes back to the days of the American Revolution.It is also heard simply as“Vum!”  or as a sort of past participle: “I'll be vummed!”   A southern equivalent isswanny,  also meaning “swear”: Now, I swanny!  According to theOxford English Dictionary,  the word swanny  derives from the dialect of the North of England: Is' wan ye,  “I shall warrant ye.” 一个新英格兰人表示惊讶时会说“嗯,我发誓!”  这个听起来有些古老的词实际上是vow 这个动词的变体, 它可以上溯到美国独立战争时期。也可以仅用"Vum!"(“发誓!”) 或作为过去分词: "I'll be vummed!"(“我可以发誓!”)  南方相同的词是Swanny, 也是“发誓”的意思: Now, I swanny!(现在,我起誓!)  按照牛津英语字典,  swanny 一词由北英格兰方言派生而来: Is' wan ye, “我向你保证”




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