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单词 walk
释义 walk[wɒ:k]n. 走, 散步, 步行, 行走的路程, 竞走, 散步场所vi. 走路, 步行, 处世vt. 走过, 遛, 使走, 护送...走相关词组:to walk on airwalk aboutwalk sb to exhaustiontake for a walkin a walkwalk away fromwalk away with sthwalk downwalk heavywalk into sthwalk into sbwalk offwalk off the jobwalk outwalk out on sbwalk out with sbwalk over sbwalk throughwalk upwalk up to sb walk  walk  AHD:  [wôk] D.J.  [w%8k]K.K.  [w%k]v.(动词)  walked,,walks v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To move over a surface by taking steps with the feet at a pace slower than a run:走,散步:以比跑慢的步伐在某一平面上行进:a baby learning to walk; a horse walking around a riding ring.学走路的婴儿;沿跑马圈慢跑的马2. To go or travel on foot:步行:用脚走或旅行:walked to the store.步行去商店3. To go on foot for pleasure or exercise; stroll:散步,漫步:为获得乐趣或锻炼而用脚行走;闲逛:walked along the beach looking for shells.沿着海滩漫步寻找贝壳4. To move in a manner suggestive of walking:行走:以一种步行的姿态行进:saw a woodpecker walking up the tree trunk.看见一个啄木鸟沿着树干上行5. To conduct oneself or behave in a particular manner; live:处事,生活:以一种特殊的方式指导或表现自我;生活:walks in majesty and pride.以高贵与自尊的态度生活6. To appear as a supernatural being:出现,漫游:如同一个超自然物般出现:The specter of famine walks through the land.饥饿的幽灵在这片土地上游荡7. Slang 【俚语】 8. To go out on strike.外出罢工9. To resign from one's job abruptly; quit.突然辞去某一工作;退出10. Baseball To go to first base after the pitcher has thrown four balls.【棒球】 自由上垒:球员因投手投出四坏球而移到第一垒11. Basketball To move illegally while holding the ball; travel.【篮球】 带球跑,走步:持球时违反规则移动;带球走步12. Obsolete To be in constant motion.【废语】 不停地动及物动词)1. To go or pass over, on, or through by walking:走遍,走过:以走的方式去或通过、上去或穿越:walk the financial district of a city.穿行过城内的金融区2. To bring to a specified condition by walking:使陷于,使走动:以走的方式使进入一个特殊的状态:They walked me to exhaustion.他们不停地走,可累坏了我3. To cause to walk or proceed at a walk:使前进:使走或在走路过程中前进:walk a horse uphill.策马爬坡4. To accompany in walking; escort on foot:陪同走路;步行护送:walk the children home; walked me down the hall.陪孩子们回家;护送我走出大厅5. To traverse on foot in order to survey or measure; pace off:巡视:为了视查或检查而步行;步行视查:walked the bounds of the property.巡视了大农场的边界6. To move (a heavy or cumbersome object) in a manner suggestive of walking:搬动:以一种象走的方式使(一沉重或笨重物体)移动:walked the bureau into the hall.把五斗橱推入大厅中7. Baseball To allow (a batter) to go to first base by pitching four balls.【棒球】 保送上垒:通过投出四坏球而使(击球手)可进到第一垒去n.(名词)1. The gait of a human being or other biped in which the feet are lifted alternately with one part of a foot always on the ground.步法,脚步:人或其他两足动物的步法,双脚轮流提空,一只脚的某一部分始终接触地面2. The gait of a quadruped in which at least two feet are always touching the ground, especially the gait of a horse in which the feet touch the ground in the four-beat sequence of near hind foot, near forefoot, off hind foot, off forefoot.四足动物步法:至少两只脚总是接触地面,尤指马的步法,四足以四拍的方式踏地,顺序为左后脚,左前脚,右后脚,右前脚3. The self-controlled extravehicular movement in space of an astronaut.太空步:宇航员在宇宙空间宇宙飞船外的自我控制的运动4. The act or an instance of walking, especially a stroll for pleasure or exercise.散步:步行的行为或实例,尤指为享受乐趣或锻炼身体而进行的漫步5. The rate at which one walks; a walking pace.走路的速度;步速6. The characteristic way in which one walks.一个人走路的典型方式7. The distance covered or to be covered in walking.行程:已走过的或即将走过的距离8. A place, such as a sidewalk or promenade, on which one may walk.走道:人可以在上面行走的地方,如人行道或散步场所9. A route or circuit particularly suitable for walking:逛路,步道:特别适于散步的路线或环道:one of the prettiest walks in the area.该地区最宜人的步道之一10. Baseball Base on balls.【棒球】 进球垒11. Basketball The act or an instance of moving illegally with the ball; traveling.【篮球】 进步:持球时犯规的移支动作;带球走步12. Sports 【体育运动】 13. A track event in which contestants compete in walking a specified distance.竞走比赛:一种径赛运动,参加者以走的方式在一段固定的距离内竞争14. Race walking.竞走15. An enclosed area designated for the exercise or pasture of livestock.放牧场:家畜活动或吃草用的圈起的场地16. An arrangement of trees or shrubs planted in widely spaced rows.植树的行列:种植在一宽阔的草坪上的一排排的树或灌木17. The space between such rows.树行之间的距离常用词组:walk out  1. To go on strike.继续罢工2. To leave suddenly, often as a signal of disapproval.突然离去,常为不满的表示walk over 【非正式用语】  1. To treat badly or contemptuously.恶劣或轻蔑地对待2. To gain an easy or uncontested victory.轻易得胜:轻而易举或未逢敌手地取得胜利walk through  To perform (a play, for example) in a perfunctory fashion, as at a first rehearsal.敷衍表演:以一种敷衍的方式表演(如戏剧),如首次排练中的敷衍习惯用语:walk away from  1. To outdo, outrun, or defeat with little difficulty.轻易地胜过:轻而易举地超过、追上或击败2. To survive (an accident) with very little injury.平安脱身:(在事故中)只受些皮毛之伤walk off with  1. To win easily or unexpectedly.轻易得胜:轻易地或未预料地获胜2. To steal.偷walk on air  To feel elated.得意洋洋:感到十分得意walk out on  To desert or abandon.惩罚或抛弃walk the plank  To be forced, as by pirates, to walk off a plank extended over the side of a ship so as to drown.走跳板:被海盗等逼迫走出伸出船边缘的木板而被淹死语源:1. Middle English walken 中古英语 walken 2. from Old English wealcan [to roll] * see  wel- 2源自 古英语 wealcan [滚动] *参见 wel- 2继承用法:walk”abil“ity  n.(名词)walk“able  adj.(形容词)




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