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单词 walnut
释义 walnut['wɒ:lnət]n. 胡桃【机】 胡桃木 walnut  wal.nut  AHD:  [wôl“n¾t”, -n…t] D.J.  [6w%8l7nJt, -n*t]K.K.  [6w%l7nJt, -n*t]n.(名词)1. Any of several deciduous trees of the genusJuglans,  having pinnately compound leaves and a round, sticky outer fruit wall that encloses a nutlike stone with an edible seed. 胡桃:一种属于胡桃属 的落叶树,具有羽状复叶及裹住含有可食籽的干果状果核的圆形多汁的外果襞 2. The stone or the ridged or corrugated seed of such a tree.胡桃核(籽):胡桃树的果核或突起的或波状的种籽3. The hard, dark brown wood of any of these trees, used for gunstocks and in cabinetwork.胡桃木:胡桃树的坚硬的、深棕色的木头,用于制枪托及细木工家具语源:1. Middle English walnot 中古英语 walnot 2. from Old English wealhhnutu 源自 古英语 wealhhnutu 3. wealh [Celt, foreigner] wealh [凯尔特,外国人] 4. hnutu [nut] hnutu [干果] 继承用法:wal“nut  adj.(形容词)




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