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单词 war
释义 war[wɒ:]n. 战争, 战争状态, 战术, 军事, 冲突, 斗争, 竞争vi. 进行战争, 作战, 打仗, 战斗a. 战争的, 战时用的【法】 战争, 冲突, 战争状态相关词组:drift into wargo to warmake war uponwar to the knife war  war  AHD:  [wôr] D.J.  [w%8]K.K.  [w%r]n.(名词)1. A state of open, armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties.战争:在国家、民族或派别之间进行的公开的使用武力的常持续一段时间的冲突的状态2. The period of such conflict.战争期间3. The techniques and procedures of war; military science.军事学:战争的技巧或程序;军事科学4. A condition of active antagonism or contention:论战:积极地对立或争吵的状态:a war of words; a price war.口舌之战;价格之战5. A concerted effort or campaign to combat or put an end to something considered injurious:斗争:为与某些被认为是有害之物作战或使其结束而作的齐心协调的努力或斗争:the war against acid rain.预防酸雨的斗争v.intr.(不及物动词)  warred,war.ring,wars 1. To wage or carry on warfare.从事或进行战斗2. To be in a state of hostility or rivalry; contend.同…处于交战状态:处于敌对或竞争的状态;争辩习惯用语:at war  In an active state of conflict or contention.处于交战状态:处于一种冲突或争论的活跃状态语源:1. Middle English warre 中古英语 warre 2. from Old North French werre 源自 古法国北方方言 werre 3. [of Germanic origin] * see  wers- [源于德语] *参见 wers- 注释:A piece of liverwurst may perhaps help us gain some insight into the nature of war,at least into the semantic history of the wordwar. War and the -wurst  part of liverwurst  can be traced back to the same Indo-European root, wers-,  “to confuse, mix up.” In the Germanic family of the Indo-European languages,this root gave rise to several words having to do with confusion or mixture of various kinds.In the case of the ancestry ofwar,  the hypothetical Germanic stem .werza-,  “confusion,” became .werra-,   which passed into Old French, a language descended from spoken Latin but supplemented by more than 200 words borrowed from the Frankish invaders of the 5th century.From the Germanic stem came both the formwerre  in Old North French, the form borrowed into English in the 12th century, and guerre  (the source of guerilla ) in the rest of the Old French-speaking area. Both forms meant “war,” a very confused condition indeed.Meanwhile another Indo-European form derived from the same Indo-European root had developed into Old High Germanwurst,  meaning “sausage,” from an underlying sense of “mixture,” which is, of course, related to the sense of the root “to confuse, mix up.”Modern Germanwurst  was borrowed into English in the 19th century, first by itself (recorded in 1855) and then as part of the wordliverwurst  (1869), the liver being a translation of Germanleber  in leberwurst.  一块肝肠也许会帮助我们对战争的性质增加些认识,至少可了解war这一词的语义史。 War和 liverwurst 的一部分 -wurst 可以追溯到同一印欧语系词根 wers- “使迷惑,混杂”。 在印欧语系中的日耳曼语系中,该词根造出了好几个与迷惑或各种东西的混合物有关的词语。在war 的词源一例中,假定的日耳曼语词干 werza- “迷惑”变成了 werra- , 又传入了来自拉丁语口语的古法语中,但是又附加了由5世纪法兰克侵略者带来的200多个单词。从日耳曼语词干中,既产生了古老的北部法语中的werre (12世纪该词传入英语),又产生了其它讲古法语地区的人用的 guerre ( guerilla 的词源)。 两个形式都表示“战争”,一个的确很糟糕的局面。同时,另一个从相同的印欧语系词根派生来的印欧语形式发展成了旧高地德语wurst “香肠”, 这是从其潜含义“混合物”而来的,“混合物”显然与“使困惑,混杂”的词根的含义有关。现代德语中的wurst 于19世纪传入英语中, 首先是它的独立形式(记载于1855年),然后是liverwurst 的一部分(1869年),  “肝”这层含义是由德语leberwurst 中的 leber 翻译而来  war.  war.  abbr.(略语)Warrant. Warrant.




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