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单词 wasp
释义 wasp[wɒsp]n. 黄蜂, 胡蜂, 易怒的人, 刻毒的人【医】 胡蜂, 黄蜂 wasp  wasp  AHD:  [w¼sp, wôsp] D.J.  [wKsp, w%8sp]K.K.  [w$sp, w%sp]n.(名词)Any of numerous social or solitary insects, chiefly of the superfamilies Vespoidea and Sphecoidea, having a slender body with a constricted abdomen, two pairs of membranous wings, mouths adapted for biting or sucking, and in the females an ovipositor often modified as a sting.胡蜂:大量的胡蜂总科和泥蜂总科的群居或独行昆虫之任一种,有细长身体、收束的腹部、两对膜翅、适于叮或吸吮的嘴,雌性产卵器常形若螫刺语源:1. Middle English waspe 中古英语 waspe 2. from Old English wæps, wæsp 源自 古英语 wæps, wæsp  WASP 1  WASP 2或 Wasp  AHD:  [w\\adie/sp] D.J.  [w$8sp]K.K.  [w$sp]n.(名词)A member of Women's Airforce Service Pilots, organized during World War II as part of the U.S. Army Air Forces to ferry aircraft and to test new aircraft. The organization was disbanded in 1944.妇女飞行服务员:妇女飞行服务队的成员,该组织成立于第二次世界大战期间,隶属美国空军,负责飞机运输与新机测试。于1944年解散语源:From W(omen's) A(irforce) S(ervice) P(ilots) From W(omen's) A(irforce) S(ervice) P(ilots)  WASP 2  WASP 3  abbr.(略语)Women's Airforce Service Pilots Women's Airforce Service Pilots Wasp  Wasp 或 WASP  AHD:  [w¼sp, wôsp] D.J.  [wKsp, w%8sp]K.K.  [w$sp, w%sp]n.(名词)A white Protestant of Anglo-Saxon ancestry.祖先是盎格鲁·撒克逊人的白种新教徒语源:1. W(hite) W(hite)2. A(nglo-)S(axon) A(nglo-)S(axon)3. P(rotestant) P(rotestant)




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