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单词 wax
释义 wax[wæks]n. 蜡, 蜡状物, 一阵发怒, 增加, (月亮)渐盈vi. 变大, 增大, 月亮渐满vt. 上蜡于【化】 蜡【医】 蜡相关词组:wax and wanebe in a waxget into a waxput sb in a wax wax 1  wax 1  AHD:  [w²ks] D.J.  [w#ks]K.K.  [w#ks]n.(名词)1. Any of various natural, oily or greasy heat-sensitive substances, consisting of hydrocarbons or esters of fatty acids that are insoluble in water but soluble in most organic solvents.蜡:几种天然油滑的热敏感物质之任一种,由不溶于水但溶于大多数有机溶剂的烃或脂肪酸酯构成2. Beeswax.蜂蜡3. Cerumen.耳垢4. A solid plastic or pliable liquid substance, such as ozocerite or paraffin, originating from petroleum and found in rock layers and used in paper coating, as insulation, in crayons, and often in medicinal preparations.石蜡:如地蜡或石蜡等来自原油的固态塑料状或可塑液态物质,发现于岩层中,用于纸的涂层如绝缘,蜡笔,还常用于医药制剂5. A preparation containing wax used for polishing floors and other surfaces.地板蜡:含蜡的制剂用于打光地板和其它表面6. A resinous mixture used by shoemakers to rub on thread.鞋线蜡:鞋匠抹在鞋线上的树指状混合物7. A phonograph record.唱片8. Something suggestive of wax in being impressionable or readily molded.易于操纵的人或物:易受影响或摆布的似蜡之物adj.(形容词)Made of wax:蜡制的:a wax candle.蜡烛及物动词)  waxed,, 1. To coat, treat, or polish with wax.用蜡涂、处理或上光2. Informal To make a phonograph record of.【非正式用语】 把…灌制唱片语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English weax 源自 古英语 weax  wax 2  wax 2  AHD:  [w²ks] D.J.  [w#ks]K.K.  [w#ks]v.intr.(不及物动词)  waxed,, 1. To increase gradually in size, number, strength, or intensity.变大,增加:在大小、数量、力量或密集度上逐渐增加2. To show a progressively larger illuminated area, as the moon does in passing from new to full.渐满:显出逐渐变大的光亮区域,如月亮由新月到满月3. To grow or become as specified:变成:变为或转成特定的:“could afford . . . to wax sentimental over their heritage”(&b{John Simon})“面对他们的遗产,能够变得多愁善感”(约翰·西蒙)语源:1. Middle English waxen 中古英语 waxen 2. from Old English weaxan * see  aug- 源自 古英语 weaxan *参见 aug-




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