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单词 weather
释义 weather['weðə]n. 天气, 气象, 处境a. 迎风的vt. 使受风吹雨打, 侵蚀, 使风化, 经受住vi. 风化, 受侵蚀, 经受风雨相关词组:run into tough weatherkeep the weathermake good weathermake bad weathermake heavy weather of sth weather  AHD:  [wµY“…r] D.J.  [6weH*]K.K.  [6wWH+]n.(名词)1. The state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity, and barometric pressure.天气:给定时间和地点的大气状况,牵涉到变量如温度、湿度、风速和气压2. Adverse or destructive atmospheric conditions, such as high winds or heavy rain:恶劣天气:恶劣的或破坏性的大气状况,如狂风暴雨:encountered weather five miles out to sea.出海五公里遭遇了恶劣天气3. The unpleasant or destructive effects of such atmospheric conditions:恶劣天气:这种气象条件的令人不快或毁灭性的结果:protected the house from the weather.保护房子不受恶劣天气影响4. weathers Changes of fortune:weathers 境遇:境况的变化:had known him in many weathers.见过他起起落落v.(动词)  weath.ered,,weath.ers及物动词)1. To expose to the action of the elements, as for drying, seasoning, or coloring.暴晒:暴露于自然条件之下,如使风干、风化或褪色2. To discolor, disintegrate, wear, or otherwise affect adversely by exposure.风干,褪色:暴露使褪色、解体、消耗或负面受影响3. To come through (something) safely; survive:平安渡过:平安渡过(某事);经受住:weather a crisis.平安渡过危机4. To slope (a roof, for example) so as to shed water.使成斜面:使(比如屋顶)倾斜以利于排水5. Nautical To pass to the windward of despite bad weather.【航海】 航行到…的上风:不管恶劣天气而航行到…的上风v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To show the effects, such as discoloration, of exposure to the elements:褪色,风干:显露出暴露于自然条件下的效果,如褪色:The walls of the barn had weathered.谷仓的墙壁已经褪色了2. To withstand the effects of weather:经受风雨:a house paint that weathers well.耐久性好的房屋油漆adj.(形容词)1. Nautical Of or relating to the windward side of a ship; windward.【航海】 上风的:船向风一侧的或与之有关的;上风的2. Relating to or used in weather forecasting:天气预报的:与天气预报有关或在天气预报中使用的:a weather plane.气象飞机习惯用语:make heavy weather of  To exaggerate the difficulty of something to be done.夸大困难:夸大做某事的困难under the weather  1. Somewhat indisposed; slightly ill.不舒服:有些不舒服;微病2. Informal 【非正式用语】 3. Intoxicated; drunk.微醉的;醉的4. Suffering from a hangover; crapulous.纵酒引起的;无节制的语源:1. Middle English weder, wether 中古英语 weder, wether 2. from Old English weder * see  w¶- 源自 古英语 weder *参见 w¶-




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