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单词 weep
释义 weep[wi:p]n. 哭, 哭泣vi. 哭泣, 流泪, 哀悼, 滴落vt. 哭着使..., 悲叹, 滴下相关词组:weep awayweep oneself outweep one's heart outweep outweep over weep  weep  AHD:  [w¶p] D.J.  [wi8p]K.K.  [wip]v.(动词)  wept[wµpt],weeps及物动词)1. To shed (tears) as an expression of emotion:流(泪):流(泪)作为激情的一种表达方式:weep bitter tears of remorse.流下悔恨痛苦的泪水2. To express grief or anguish for; lament:哀悼,悲伤:为…表达悲伤或愤怒;哀悼:wept the death of the child.哀悼孩子的死亡3. To bring to a specified condition by weeping:哭泣,流泪:哭…到某种特定状态:She wept herself into a state of exhaustion.她哭累了4. To exude or let fall (drops of liquid):使…渗出或落下(成滴的液体):“cuts the jellied milk into tiny, soft curds that weep whey”(&b{Kit Snedaker})“把牛奶的凝结物切成渗出乳浆的小而软的凝乳”(基特·斯尼达克)v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To express emotion, such as grief or sadness, by shedding tears.See Synonyms at cry 流泪:流泪来表达感情,如悲痛或悲伤参见 cry2. To mourn or grieve:悲叹,哀悼:wept for the dead.为死者而悲叹3. To emit or run with drops of liquid:流出液体,流下液体:流出或流下成滴的液体:a sore that weeps.滴液体的疮伤n.(名词)A period or fit of weeping. Often used in the plural.一段哭泣,一阵哭泣:一段或一阵哭泣。常用作复数语源:1. Middle English wepen 中古英语 wepen 2. from Old English w¶pan 源自 古英语 w¶pan




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