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单词 Whig
释义 Whig  Whig  AHD:  [hw¹g, w¹g] D.J.  [hw!g, w!g]K.K.  [hw!g, w!g]n.(名词)1. A member of an 18th- and 19th-century British political party that was opposed to the Tories.辉格党党员:18及19世纪英国的政党成员,该政党与托利党相对立2. A supporter of the war against England during the American Revolution.美国独立战争中支持反英斗争的人3. A 19th-century American political party formed to oppose the Democratic Party and favoring high tariffs and a loose interpretation of the Constitution.辉格党:19世纪为反对民主党而形成的一个美国的政党,奉行高关税政策,对宪法的阐释也较松散且不严谨语源:Probably short for Whiggamore , a member of a body of 17th-century Scottish Presbyterian rebels 可能源自 Whiggamore 的缩写,17世纪苏格兰一团体的成员 继承用法:Whig“gery  n.(名词)Whig“gish  adj.(形容词)Whig“gism  n.(名词)




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