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单词 whirl
释义 whirl[hwə:l]n. 回旋, 旋转, 急走, 眩晕vt. 使旋转, 使回旋, 卷走vi. 回旋, 旋转, 急走, 发晕【化】 涡动; 回转 whirl  whirl  AHD:  [hwûrl, wûrl] D.J.  [hwT8l, wT8l]K.K.  [hwPl, wPl]v.(动词)  whirled,,whirls v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To revolve rapidly about a center or an axis.See Synonyms at turn 转动:绕着一中心或轴飞速旋转参见 turn2. To rotate or spin rapidly:急转:急速旋转或回旋:The dancer whirled across the stage.舞蹈者穿过舞台翩翩起舞3. To turn rapidly, changing direction; wheel:迅速转身,突然转向;调转方向:She whirled around to face him.她猛地转过身来面对着他4. To have the sensation of spinning; reel:眩晕,一片混乱:My head is whirling with data.我的大脑因数据充斥而一片混乱5. To move circularly and rapidly in varied, random directions:回旋:打旋;在各种任意方向上迅速且呈圆周性的运动:The wind whirled across the steppes.风儿回旋过台阶及物动词)1. To cause to rotate or turn rapidly:使旋转:使迅疾旋转或转向:whirl a baton.挥舞棍棒2. To move or drive in a circular or curving course.使回旋:使沿圆周或曲线路程运动或驾驶3. To drive at high speed:高速驾驶:whirled the motorcycle around the corner.摩托车疾驰着绕过街角而去4. Obsolete To hurl.【废语】 投,掷n.(名词)1. The act of rotating or revolving rapidly.高速旋转的动作2. Something, such as a cloud of dust, that whirls or is whirled.旋转物:旋转的或被旋转的物体,如一团灰尘3. A state of confusion; tumult.混乱状态,眩晕;骚动4. A swift succession or round of events:接连的活动:一连串突然而至的事情,纷至沓来的事:the social whirl.频繁的社交活动5. A state of mental confusion or giddiness; dizziness:头脑混乱的状态;头晕目眩:My head is in a whirl.我头晕6. Informal A short trip or ride.【非正式用语】 短途旅行或骑马(骑车)、开车7. Informal A brief or experimental try:【非正式用语】 小试:短暂且试验性的尝试:Let's give the plan a whirl.让我们尝试一下这个计划语源:1. Middle English whirlen 中古英语 whirlen 2. probably from Old Norse hvirfla 可能源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 hvirfla 继承用法:whirl“er  n.(名词)




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