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单词 whistle
释义 whistle['hwisl]n. 口哨, 汽笛, 啸啸声, 口哨声vi. 吹口哨, 鸣汽笛, 发嘘嘘声vt. 用口哨或吹哨传意, 用口哨演奏【医】 笛音, 哨音, 笛相关词组:as clean as a whistlelet sb go whistlemay whistle for it whistle  whis.tle  AHD:  [hw¹s“…l, w¹s“-] D.J.  [6hw!s*l, 6w!s-]K.K.  [6hw!s*l, 6w!s-]v.(动词)  whis.tled,whis.tling,whis.tles v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To produce a clear musical sound by forcing air through the teeth or through an aperture formed by pursing the lips.吹口哨:通过迫使空气穿过牙齿间隙或穿过由噘嘴形成的小缝隙而发出清晰的乐音2. To produce a clear, shrill, sharp musical sound by blowing on or through a device.吹哨子,鸣汽笛:通过吹击或通过某种装置而发出清晰、尖厉而刺耳的乐音3. To produce a high-pitched sound when moving swiftly through the air:发出啸叫声:当迅速穿过空气移动时发出高音调的尖声:The stone whistled past my head.石头呼啸着从我头顶经过4. To produce a high-pitched sound by the rapid movement of air through an opening or past an obstruction:呼啸:由于空气急速通过一个开口或经过一障碍物时而发出尖厉的声音:Wind whistled through the cracks in the windows.风从窗户的裂缝中呼呼地灌进来5. To emit a shrill, sharp, high-pitched cry, as some birds and other animals.啭鸣:发出刺耳、尖锐、高音调的喊叫,如一些鸟及其它的动物所发出的声音6. To summon by whistling.吹口哨召唤及物动词)1. To produce by whistling:由吹口哨而发出:whistle a tune.吹出一个调子2. To summon, signal, or direct by whistling.吹口哨召唤3. To cause to move with a whistling noise.由吹口哨而发出信号或指引:用哨声使…行动n.(名词)1. A small wind instrument for making whistling sounds by means of the breath.口哨;哨子:一种很小的吹奏乐器,通过呼吸而发出哨声2. A device for making whistling sounds by means of forced air or steam:汽笛:一种由受压空气或蒸汽产生哨声的装置:a factory whistle.厂笛3. A sound produced by a whistling device or by whistling through the lips.哨声, 笛声:由鸣笛装置或从唇间吹口哨而发出的声响4. A whistling sound, as of an animal or a projectile.啭鸣声:尖厉高音,如动物或发射物而发出的声音5. The act of whistling.吹,吹哨:口哨或哨子的行为6. A whistling sound used to summon or command.召唤哨声,命令哨声:用于召唤或发布命令的哨声习惯用语:blow the whistle【俚语】  To expose a wrongdoing in the hope of bringing it to a halt:揭发:怀着使违法行为得以中止的希望而告发:an attorney who blew the whistle on governmental corruption.一个揭发政府腐败的律师whistle in the dark  To attempt to keep one's courage up.给自己壮胆:试图鼓起某人的勇气语源:1. Middle English whistlen 中古英语 whistlen 2. from Old English hwistlian 源自 古英语 hwistlian




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