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单词 William I
释义 William I 1  William I 1称作 &b{“征服者威廉”}(&b{1027?-1087})  NONE(无词性)King of England (1066-1087) and duke of Normandy (1035-1087). He led the Norman invasion of England (1066) after being promised the English throne by his cousin Edward the Confessor. He defeated Harold at the Battle of Hastings and as king adopted a feudal constitution.威廉一世:英国国王(1066-1087年)和诺曼底公爵(1035-1087年)。其表兄忏悔者爱德华答应让他作英国国王后带领诺曼底人入侵英格兰(1066年),在黑斯迁斯战役中击败哈罗德。成为国王后,采用了封建主义体制 William I 2  William I 2(奥兰治王子)  称作 &b{“沉默者威廉”}(&b{1533-1584})  NONE(无词性)Dutch stadholder (1579-1584) who was made governor of Holland, Zeeland, and Utrecht (1559) by Phillip II of Spain. Spurred by the Spanish persecution of Protestants, he led a revolt against Spanish rule (1568-1576).威廉一世:荷兰执政者(1579-1584年),由西班牙菲力浦二世封为荷兰、泽兰省和乌得勒支省的执政官(1559年)。因不满于西班牙对新教徒的迫害,领导了反对西班牙统治的起义(1568-1576年) William I 3  William I 3也作 Wilhelm I (&b{1797-1888})  NONE(无词性)King of Prussia (1861-1888) and emperor of Germany (1871-1888) whose reign was marked by war with Austria (1866), the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871), and the wide reforms introduced by Bismarck.威廉一世:普鲁士国王(1861-1888年)和德意志帝国皇帝(1871—1888年),在他执政期间,发生了普奥战争(1866年)、普法战争(1870-1871年)和俾斯麦引入的广泛改革




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