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单词 window
释义 window['windəu]n. 窗户, 窗子, 窗口vt. 给...开窗【计】 窗口【医】 窗 window  win.dow  AHD:  [w¹n“d½] D.J.  [6w!nd*&]K.K.  [6w!ndo]n.(名词)1. An opening constructed in a wall or roof that functions to admit light or air to an enclosure and is often framed and spanned with glass mounted to permit opening and closing.窗,窗口,窗户:墙上或房顶上建造的出口,作用是使光线或空气进入室内,通常有框架和拱门,安装有玻璃,使之能开能关2. A framework enclosing a pane of glass for such an opening; a sash.窗框:这种开口的带玻璃的框架;窗框3. A pane of glass or similar material enclosed in such a framework.窗玻璃:窗框内的玻璃或类似材料4. An opening that resembles a window in function or appearance.窗状开口:在动能或外表上类似窗户的开口5. The transparent panel on a window envelope.在开窗信封上的透明纸窗6. The area or space immediately behind a window, especially at the front of a shop.陈列窗,橱窗:窗户后(尤指商店前面的)的地方或空间7. A means of access or observation:达到的方法,观察的手段:St. Petersburg was Peter the Great's window onto the Baltic.圣彼得堡是彼得大帝进入波罗的海的一个入口8. An interval of time during which an activity can or must take place:期限:某活动可能或一定会发生的一段间隔时间:a brief window of opportunity for a space mission; a window of vulnerability during which the air force was subject to attack.从事太空飞行任务的最佳时机;空军力量易受攻击的危险阶段9. Strips of foil dropped from an aircraft to confuse enemy radar; chaff.金属箔片:为迷惑敌人雷达而从飞机上扔出的金属薄片;金属箔片10. A range of electromagnetic frequencies that pass unobstructed through a planetary atmosphere.电波反射装置:电磁波段能够不受阻碍地穿过行星大气层的一种电磁频率范围11. Computer Science A small area on a screen in which a file or a part of a file can be displayed.【计算机科学】 视窗:屏幕上能显示文件或部分文件的小块区域12. Aerospace 【太空学】 13. A launch window.发射时限14. An area at the outer limits of the earth's atmosphere through which a spacecraft must pass in order to return safely.大气窗:地球大气最外层的地区,宇宙飞船必须通过此地才能安全回归地球语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old Norse vindauga 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 vindauga 3. vindr [air, wind] * see  w¶- vindr [空气,风] *参见 w¶- 4. auga [eye] * see  ok w- auga [眼睛] *参见 ok w- 注释:The wordwindow  conceals a poetic image that is not at all transparent. Our word comes to us from the Scandinavian invaders and settlers of England in the early Middle Ages.Although we have no record of the exact word they gave us,it was related to Old Norsevindauga,  “window,” a compound made up ofvindr,  “wind,” and auga,  “eye,” reflecting the fact that at one time windows contained no glass.In our time we have takenwindow,  which has been recorded in the language for almost 800 years, in a figurative direction with phrases such aslaunch window, weather window,  and window of opportunity  or vulnerability.   Rockets and missiles now travel through the “wind's eye.”window 这个词掩盖了一个不明显的富有诗意的意象。 这个词是中世纪初由斯堪的纳维亚入侵者和英格兰的开拓者带来的。尽管没有确切记录这个词是什么,但它与古斯堪的纳维亚语中的vindouga 有关系,“窗户”, 是由vindr “风”,和 auga “眼睛”组成的复合词, 这反映出窗户在当时是没有玻璃的。在现代我们用的window 已有记录近800年了, 现在它已有了比喻意义,如在短语最佳发射时段, 海面平静期, 和 window of opportunity 或 vulnerability。  火箭和导弹现在要穿过“风的眼睛”




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