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单词 world-class
释义 world-classa. 世界级的【经】 世界第一流水准的 world-class  world-class  AHD:  [wûrld“kl²s“] D.J.  [6wT8ld6kl#s]K.K.  [6wPld6kl#s]adj.(形容词)1. Ranking among the foremost in the world; of an international standard of excellence; of the highest order:世界级的:在世界上最前面的;出色的国际水平的;最高等级的:a world-class figure skater.世界级花样滑冰选手2. Usage Problem Great, as in importance, concern, or notoriety.【用法疑难】 国际水准的:伟大的,如在重要性、关系或闻名度上用法:The adjectiveworld-class  became current as a result of its original use to describe athletes capable of performing at an international level of competition,  as inA ten-second time would put him in the first rank of world-class sprinters.   In recent years it has been extended to mean “of an international standard of excellence” and has been applied to a wide variety of categories.When used of things that naturally admit such comparison,the extended use of the word is generally acceptable to the Usage Panel.In the most recent survey 65 percent accepted the descriptionworld-class restaurant,   and 53 percent acceptedworld-class sports car.   But the expression is not generally accepted as a vague way of emphasizing magnitude or degree.The sentenceJohann Sebastian Bach's 300th birthday will rank as a world-class anniversary  was acceptable to only 7 percent, and only 4 percent accepted a newspaper's description of AIDS asa world-class tragedy.  形容词world-class 由于其最初用来形容运动员参加世界水平比赛的表现能力而流行起来, 如在十秒的成绩可以把他列为世界一流的短跑运动员中。  最近几年把它扩展到意为“出色的国际水平的”并适用于广泛的类别。当用于其本身允许的那类比较的事物时,这种扩展的用法通常为惯用法小组所接受。在最近的调查中有百分之六十五的人接受了世界一流的餐厅 这一描述, 并有百分之五十三的人接受了世界一流跑车。  但是这种表达作为强调幅度或程度的含糊方式没有被广泛接受。约翰·塞巴斯帝安·巴赫的三百周年诞辰纪念将列为世界一流的周年纪念 这句话只有百分之七的人接受, 并且只有百分之四的人接受了一家报纸把爱滋病报道为世界级悲剧  




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