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单词 worse
释义 worse[wə:s]n. 更坏的事, 更恶劣的事, 败局a. 更坏的, 更恶劣的ad. 更坏地, 更恶劣地相关词组:to make the matter worseand what is worseworse than allhave the worsenone the worsenone the worse forthink none the worse of sbput sb to the worseso much the worseworse and worseworse off worse  worse  AHD:  [wûrs] D.J.  [wT8s]K.K.  [wPs]adj.(形容词)   bad1 ill的比较级形式 1. More inferior, as in quality, condition, or effect.更差的:在质量、条件或效果方面更差的2. More severe or unfavorable.更严重的:更严峻的或更不利的3. Being further from a standard; less desirable or satisfactory.更不满的:比标准差得更远的;更不合意的或更令人不满的4. Being in poorer health; more ill.更虚弱的:健康状况恶化的;病情更重的n.(名词)Something that is worse:更坏的事物:Of the two routes, the eastern one is the worse. She was accused of cheating on exams, lying, and worse.这两条路比起来,东边那条更差劲。她被指责考试作弊,更糟糕的是她还说谎adv.(副词)   badly的比较级形式,ill In a worse manner; to a worse degree.更坏地:以更坏的方式;达到坏的程度习惯用语:for better or (for) worse  Whether the situation or consequences be good or ill:不管好坏:不管情况或结果是好是坏:For better or worse, he trusts everyone.不管怎么样,他相信每个人语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English wyrsa * see  wers- 源自 古英语 wyrsa *参见 wers-




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