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单词 worth
释义 worth[wə:θ]n. 价值, 财产a. 值...的, 值得的【经】 价值相关词组:be worth noticebe not worth refutingbe worth the troublefor all one is worthfor what it is worthput in one's two cents worthworth while worth 1  worth 1  AHD:  [wûrth] D.J.  [wT8G]K.K.  [wPG]n.(名词)1. The quality that renders something desirable, useful, or valuable:价值:使某物变得合人意的、有用或有价值的品质:the worth of higher education.高等教育的价值2. Material or market value:物价,市价:stocks having a worth of ten million dollars.价值一千万美元的股票3. A quantity of something that may be purchased for a specified sum or by a specified means:特定金额的等值:以特定金额或特定方式可购买的某物数量:ten dollars' worth of natural gas; wanted their money's worth.值十美元的天然气;需要它们的货币价值4. Wealth; riches:财产;财富:her net worth.她的实际财产5. Quality that commands esteem or respect; merit:美德,品格:令人敬重或尊重的品质;优点:a person of great worth.具有高尚品德的人adj.(形容词)1. Equal in value to something specified:等值的:与特定的某物价值相等的:worth its weight in gold.与其等量重的黄金价值相等2. Deserving of; meriting:值得的;应得的:a proposal not worth consideration.不值得考虑的提案3. Having wealth or riches amounting to:占有:具有等于…的财产或收入:a person worth millions.身价百万的人习惯用语:for all (one) is worth  To the utmost of one's powers or ability.尽全力:至某人力量或能力的极限for what it's worth  Even though it may not be important or valuable:不论好坏:即使可能不重要或价值不大:Here's my advice, for what it's worth.这是我的建议,尽管可能用处不大,你姑且听听语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English weorth * see  wer- 2源自 古英语 weorth *参见 wer- 2 worth 2  worth 2  AHD:  [wûrth] D.J.  [wT8G]K.K.  [wPG]v.intr.(不及物动词)  worthed,,worths 【古语】 To befall; betide:发生;降临:“Howl ye, Woe worth the day!”(&b{Ezekiel 30:2})“你大声地喊吧,不幸今天就在降临了!”(以西结30:2)语源:1. Middle English worthen 中古英语 worthen 2. from Old English weorthan * see  wer- 2源自 古英语 weorthan *参见 wer- 2




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