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单词 wound
释义 wound[wu:nd]n. 创伤, 伤口, 伤疤, 伤害, 痛苦vt. 伤害, 损害, 使受伤vi. 打伤, 伤害wind的过去式和过去分词【医】 创伤, 伤口 wound 1  wound 1  AHD:  [w›nd] D.J.  [wu8nd]K.K.  [wund]n.(名词)1. An injury, especially one in which the skin or other external surface is torn, pierced, cut, or otherwise broken.创伤:伤口,尤指由于皮肤或其他表层被撕裂、刺伤、割伤或其他形式破坏而造成的损伤2. An injury to the feelings.伤害:感情上的创伤v.(动词)  wound.ed,,wounds及物动词)To inflict wounds or a wound on.伤害:使在伤口上施加痛苦v.intr.(不及物动词)To inflict wounds or a wound:使伤害:使在伤口施加痛苦:harsh criticism that wounds.使人受伤害的严厉批评语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English wund * see  wen- 2源自 古英语 wund *参见 wen- 2继承用法:wound“edly  adv.(副词)wound“ingly  adv.(副词) wound 2  wound 2  AHD:  [wound] D.J.  [wa&nd]K.K.  [wa&nd]v.(动词)Past tense and past participle of wind 2wind的过去式和过去分词2 wound 3  wound 3  AHD:  [wound] D.J.  [wa&nd]K.K.  [wa&nd]v.Music (动词)【音乐】 A past tense and a past participle of wind 3wind的过去式和过去分词3




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