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单词 yourselves
释义 yourselvespron. 你们自己 yourselves  your.selves  AHD:  [y‹r-sµlvz“, yôr-, y½r-, y…r-] D.J.  [j&*6selvz, j%8r-, j*&r-, j*-]K.K.  [j&r6sWlvz, j%r-, jor, j*-]pron.(代词)1. Those ones identical with you.你们自己2. Used reflexively as the direct or indirect object of a verb or as the object of a preposition:你们自己:反身用法,作为动词直接或间接宾语或介词的宾语:Help yourselves. Have yourselves a good time. You should all watch out for yourselves.你们自行取用。愿你们玩得开心。你们自己都应特别小心3. Used for emphasis:你们自己,你们本身:用于强调:You should take care of the matter yourselves.你应当自己处理那件事情4. Used in an absolute construction:你们自己:用在独立结构中:Yourselves having run the race, you four should receive the prize.你们自己跑完了比赛,你们四个人应该得奖5. Your normal or healthy condition:你们正常或健康的情况:Just relax and be yourselves.See Usage Note at &b{myself} 放松一点,找你们平常的表示就好了参见 myself




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