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单词 zero copula
释义 zero copula  zero copula  n.(名词)The absence of an overt copula, especially when meaning “is” or “are.”零系词:(尤指意为"is"或"are"时)没有明显的系词用法:1. A widely known feature of African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and some varieties of Southern American English spoken by working-class white people is the absence of a form ofbe  in situations where Standard English would normally require one. In these varieties of English, one can say 美国黑人英语以及白人工薪阶层所讲的各种美国南部英语中广为人知的特色就是都缺少在标准英语中应正常出现的be 形式。表达"他正在工作"的含义时,在以上各类英语中可以说 He working,He working,2. where Standard English has而在标准英语中要说He is working,He is working。3. meaning “He is working right now.” Linguists frequently describe this zero usage aszero copula,  although strictly speaking it should be described as zero auxiliary  before progressive verb forms, as in He working, and before going to  or gon(na),  as in 语言学家经常将这种零用法描述为zero copula ,而严格上讲应为进行时态动词前的 zero auxiliary(零助词) ,如 He working ;以及 going to 或 gon(na) 前面的零助词,如 He gon do it.He gon do it。4. This usage is perhaps even more characteristic of AAVE than is invariant habitualbe.  For some AAVE speakers, zero copula occurs 80 to 90 percent of the time where Standard English requires is  or are.  No other varieties of American English use zero copula as often.·As with all dialectal features, zero copula use is more systematic than it might at first appear. As the examples above indicate, only present tense inflected forms of be  can be deleted ( was  and were  cannot be deleted), and even among present forms, only is  and are  are deleted; am  is frequently contracted but never deleted. Invariant or non-finite forms, such as be  in 这种用法可能比规律性的be 更具有美国黑人英语特色。对于某些讲美国黑人英语的人来说,会在标准英语应使用 is 或 are 的位置80%至90%地使用零系词。其它各种美国英语都不会如此频繁地用到零系词。同其它所有方言特色相比,零系词用法已比它首次被采用时更具条理性。正如以上实例所表明的,只有 be 动词的进行时态变化形式才可以被省略( was 和 were 不能省略),即使是进行时态变化形式也只能省略 is 和 are ;通常可以缩写 am 但不能省略它。固定形式或非限定形式都不能省略(如 be 在 You have to be goodYou have to be good5. can't be deleted, nor can forms that are stressed (He is  tall ) or that come at the end of a clause ( That's what he is  ). In the late 1960s, linguist William Labov captured most of these generalizations, stating that wherever Standard English can contract is  or are,  AAVE can delete it. (Note that Standard English does not tolerate contractions in sentences such as That's what he's. ) Equally systematic are the quantitative regularities of the zero copula. Throughout the United States, zero copula is less frequent when followed by a noun ( He a man ) than when followed by an adjective ( He happy ). It is most frequent when followed by progressives and gon(na),  as exemplified above.·This pattern of be -deletion is also found in Gullah and Caribbean Creole varieties of English. Since zero copula is not a feature of the British dialects of English that colonial settlers brought to the United States, it is one of the strongest indicators that the development of AAVE may have been influenced by Caribbean English creoles or that AAVE itself may have evolved from an American Creole-like ancestor. 中),强调形式同样不能省略(如He is  tall ),在句尾也不能省略(如 That's what he is  )。20世纪60年代后期,语言学家威廉·拉鲍弗归纳了几乎全部这类情况并指出标准英语中可以缩写的 is 或 are 在美国黑人英语就可以删除。(注意标准英语不能容许 That's what he's 这类句子中的缩写方式。)零系词的定量规律同样具有条理性。在美国,当后接名词时较少使用零系词(如 He a man )而后接形容词时较多使用零系词(如 He happy )。如前所述,当后接进行时态动词及 gon(na) 时最常使用零系词。省略 be 的形式也存在于格勒人英语和加勒比克里奥尔人英语中。既然零系词不是殖民地居民带到美国的英国方言特色,那么藉由它可以充分表明美国黑人英语的发展一直受到加勒比克里奥尔人英语的影响或者美国黑人英语本身就是从美国克里奥尔语发展而来的




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