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单词 zither
释义 zither['ziθə]n. 齐特琴 zither  AHD:  [z¹th“…r, z¹Y“-]  也作 zith.ern [-…rn] D.J.  [6z!G*, 6z!H-] 也作 zith.ern [-*n]K.K.  [6z!G+, 6z!H-] 也作 zith.ern [-*n]n.Music (名词)【音乐】 An instrument composed of a flat sound box with about 30 to 40 strings stretched over it and played horizontally with the fingertips or a plectrum.齐特琴:一种由扁形音箱和大约30至40条弦组成的乐器,平放着用指尖或拔子来演奏语源:1. German 德语 2. from Middle High German *zitter 源自 中古高地德语 *zitter 3. from Old High German zitera 源自 古高地德语 zitera 4. from Latin cithara [cithara] 源自 拉丁语 cithara [西撒拉琴] 5. from Greek kithara 源自 希腊语 kithara 继承用法:zith“erist  n.(名词)




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