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单词 bellows
释义 bellows['beləuz]n. 风箱【化】 手风箱; 皮老虎; 波纹管【医】 风箱 bellows  bel.lows  AHD:  [bµl“½z, -…z] D.J.  [6bel*&z, -*z]K.K.  [6bWloz, -*z]pl.n.(used with a sing. or pl. verb)(复数名词)(与单数或复数动词连用)1. An apparatus for producing a strong current of air, as for sounding a pipe organ or increasing the draft to a fire, consisting of a flexible, valved air chamber that is contracted and expanded by pumping to force the air through a nozzle.风箱:能产生强气流的一种装置,如用于探检管状器官或给火增加风量,由一个活动的带有阀门的空气室组成,可通过一喷嘴向空气室打气使之压缩或膨胀2. Something, such as the pleated windbag of an accordion, that resembles this apparatus.风箱状物:类似上述装置的东西,如带有煞褶的手风琴风箱3. The lungs.肺部语源:1. Middle English belowes 中古英语 belowes 2. from Old English belgas [pl. of] belg * see  bhelgh- 源自 古英语 belgas  [] belg的复数 *参见 bhelgh-  Bellows  Bel.lows  AHD:  [bµl“½z] George Wesley (1882-1925) D.J.  [6bel*&z]K.K.  [6bWloz]NONE(无词性)American artist noted for his energetic paintings of sporting scenes, such asStag at Sharkey's  (1907). 贝洛斯,乔治·韦斯利:(1882-1925) 美国艺术家,以其充满活力的运动情景绘画而著称,如《夏基斯的公鹿》 (1907年)




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