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单词 acknowledge
释义 acknowledge[ək'nɒlidʒ]vt. 承认, 告知收悉, 答谢, 报偿【经】 承认, 答谢, 收到的通知相关词组:to acknowledge oneself beaten acknowledge  ac.knowl.edge  AHD:  [²k-n¼l“¹j] D.J.  [#k6nKl!d9]K.K.  [#k6n$l!d9]及物动词)  ac.knowl.edged,, 缩写 ack.1. To admit the existence, reality, or truth of.承认:确认某物的存在、现实或真相2. To recognize as being valid or having force or power.确认有效,承认权威:确认有效或有权力或权威3. To express recognition of:承认:表示承认…:acknowledge a friend's smile.对一个朋友的笑做出反应4. To express thanks or gratitude for.答谢,致谢,鸣谢:表示对…的感谢或感激5. To report the receipt of.告知收到,确认收悉6. Law To accept or certify as legally binding:【法律】 公证,确认:作为法律约束力而接受或确认:acknowledge a deed.确认一行为语源:1. Probably blend of Middle English knowlechen [to acknowledge]  from knowen [to know] * see  know 可能混合了 中古英语 knowlechen [认识]  源自 knowen [知道] *参见 know2. Middle English aknouen [to recognize]  from Old English oncn³wan [to know]  on- [on] * see  on  cn³wan [to know] * see  know 中古英语 aknouen [确认]  源自 古英语 oncn³wan [知道]  on- [在…上] *参见 on cn³wan [知道] *参见 know继承用法:acknowl“edgeable  adj.(形容词)参考词汇:1. acknowledge,admit,own,avow,confess,concede2. These verbs mean to make a disclosure, usually with reluctance or under pressure. To这些动词都表示不情愿或在压力之下揭示真相。3. acknowledge   is to accept responsibility for something one makes known: acknowledge  表示承担使某事公开的责任: He acknowledged that the purchase had been a mistake.他承认购买那东西是个错误之举。4. Admit   usually implies marked reluctance in acknowledging one's acts or accepting a different point of view: Admit  常常暗含不情愿承认某人的行为或接受不同的观点: “There are some faults which men readily admit, but others not so readily”  (Epictetus).“虽然有人承认了一些错误,但另一些不是这么主动” (爱比克泰德)。5. Own   stresses personal acceptance of and responsibility for one's thoughts or deeds: Own  强调对某人的思想和行为的个人接受或个人责任: She owned that she had fears for the child's safety.她承认她对孩子的安全担心。6. Avow,  a strong term, means to assert openly and boldly: Avow,  一带强烈意义的词,表示公开大胆地宣扬: “Many a man thinks, what he is ashamed to avow”  (Samuel Johnson).“很多人都考虑过那些他们羞于说出来的事” (萨谬尔·约翰逊)。7. Confess   usually emphasizes disclosure of something damaging or inconvenient to oneself: Confess  通常指揭露对某人不利或有损坏的事: I have to confess that I lied to you. To 我得承认我对你撒了谎。 8. concede   is to admit something, such as the validity of an argument, often against one's will: concede  指确认论点的有效性等事,通常是指违背某人意愿的: The lawyer refused to concede that the two cases were at all similar. 律师拒绝做出这两宗案件相似的表示。




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