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单词 berry
释义 berry['beri]n. 浆果vi. 采集浆果【医】 浆果 berry  ber.ry  AHD:  [bµr“¶] D.J.  [6beri8]K.K.  [6bWri]n.(名词)  【复数】 ber.ries 1. Botany An indehiscent fruit derived from a single ovary and having the whole wall fleshy, such as the grape or tomato.【植物学】 浆果:一种从单子房生出的果壁为肉质的闭果,如葡萄或西红柿2. A small, juicy, fleshy fruit, such as a blackberry or raspberry, regardless of its botanical structure.浆果类:无论其植物结构如何的小型、多汁的肉质水果,如黑莓、木莓3. The small, dark egg of certain crustaceans or fishes.动物卵,鱼卵:某种甲壳纲动物或鱼的小且暗色的卵v.intr.(不及物动词)  ber.ried,,ber.ries 1. To hunt for or gather berries:寻找浆果,采摘浆果:went berrying in July.七月去采浆果2. To bear or produce berries.结浆果,产生浆果语源:1. Middle English berye 中古英语 berye 2. from Old English berie * see  bh³- 1源自 古英语 berie *参见 bh³- 1 Berry 1  Ber.ry  AHD:  [bµ-r¶“] D.J.  [be6ri8]K.K.  [bW6ri]NONE(无词性)A historical region and former province of central France. Purchased by the French crown in 1101, it became an independent duchy in 1360 and reverted to the crown in 1601.贝里:位于法国中部的有历史意义的地区和旧时的一个省,1101年被法国王室所买,1360年成为一独立的公爵领地,1601年重归王室所有 Berry 2  Ber.ry  AHD:  [bµr“¶] Charles Edward Anderson  Known as “Chuck.”(Born 1926) D.J.  [6beri8]K.K.  [6bWri]NONE(无词性)American musician and singer considered among the earliest and most influential rock 'n' roll performers.贝里,查尔斯·爱德华·安德森:(生于 1926) 美国音乐家和歌手,被认为是最早的和最有影响的摇滚乐表演者之一




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